\ CS 371R: Information Retrieval and Web Search

CS 371R:
Information Retrieval and Web Search


Raymond J. Mooney, office hours: Tu 11am-12pm, Thu 2-3pm (in person in GDC 3.806 or on Zoom by appointment via email)

Teaching Assistant

Sumaya M Al-Bedaiwi, salbedaiwi@utexas.edu, Office hours: Mon 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM, Wed 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM in the GDC Basement.

Time and Place

Fall, 2024; TuTh 9:30-11:00 AM; GDC 5.302 (in-person, no Zoom option).

General Course Information


Introduction to Information Retrieval by Christopher D. Manning, Prabhakar Raghavan and Hinrich Schütze

Programming Projects


PowerPoint Presentations

  1. Introduction (PowerPoint) (PDF) (PDF handout)
  2. Boolean and Vector-Space Retrieval Models (PowerPoint) (PDF) (PDF handout)
  3. Basic Tokenizing, Indexing, and Implementation of Vector-Space Retrieval (PowerPoint) (PDF) (PDF handout)
  4. Performance Evaluation of Information Retrieval Systems (PowerPoint) (PDF) (PDF handout)
  5. Query Operations (Relevance Feedback / Query Expansion) (PowerPoint) (PDF) (PDF handout)
  6. Text Properties and Languages (PowerPoint) (PDF) (PDF handout)
  7. Web Search: Introduction (PowerPoint) (PDF) (PDF handout)
  8. Web Search: Spidering (PowerPoint) (PDF) (PDF handout)
  9. Web Search: Link Analysis (PowerPoint) (PDF) (PDF handout)
  10. Automated Text Categorization and Neural Network Learning (PowerPoint) (PDF) (PDF handout)
  11. Automated Text Categorization: IR, kNN, and Naive Bayes (PowerPoint) (PDF) (PDF handout)
  12. Language Models (PowerPoint) (PDF) (PDF handout)
  13. Language-Model Based Retrieval (PowerPoint) (PDF) (PDF handout)
  14. Deep Learning (PowerPoint) (PDF) (PDF handout)
  15. Recommender Systems (PowerPoint) (PDF) (PDF handout)
  16. Ethical Issues in IR (PowerPoint) (PDF) (PDF handout)
  17. Clustering, Information Extraction, and Semantic Parsing (PowerPoint) (PDF) (PDF handout)

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A jar file for the course Java code is available here.

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