Patrick MacAlpine
Patrick MacAlpine
As of August 2020 I'm a research scientist
at Sony AI.
Prior to that I was a postdoctoral researcher at Microsoft Research in
the reinforcement learning group.
I received a BS and MEE degree in Electrical Engineering from Rice University. I'm a member of
the Learning
Agents Research Group
(LARG) led by Peter
Stone in the Computer Science Department at
the University of Texas at Austin. A large part of my research is centered around
multiagent systems and machine learning where I serve as a leader of
the UT
Austin Villa 3D Simulation League RoboCup soccer team.
I defended my thesis Multilayered Skill
Learning and Movement Coordination for Autonomous Robotic Agents
in the Summer of 2017.
I taught CS344M: Autonomous Multiagent
Systems during the Fall 2015 semester.
How NOT to help people with their computer problems