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The UT Austin Villa 2006 RoboCup Four-Legged Team

The UT Austin Villa 2006 RoboCup Four-Legged Team.
Peter Stone, Peggy Fidelman, Nate Kohl, Gregory Kuhlmann, Tekin Mericli, Mohan Sridharan, and Shao-en Yu.
Technical Report UT-AI-TR-06-337, The University of Texas at Austin, Department of Computer Sciences, AI Laboratory, 2006.


[PDF]123.7kB  [postscript]127.2kB  


The UT Austin Villa Four-Legged Team for RoboCup 2006 was a fourth-time entry in the ongoing series of RoboCup legged league competitions. The team development began in mid-January of 2003 without any prior familiarity with the Aibos. After entering a fairly non-competitive team in RoboCup 2003, the team made several important advances. By the July 2004 competition that took place in Lisbon, Portugal, it was one of the top few teams. After those first two years of intense development, the team's third and fourth years were devoted more to spin-off research than to development related to the competition. Building off of the team's previous three technical reports \citeVilla03-legged-tech,Villa04-legged-tech,Villa05-legged-tech, this report details the changes made to the team between RoboCup 2005 and RoboCup 2006 in Bremen. Taken together, this and the previous technical reports provide the history and details of the UT Austin Villa RoboCup Four-Legged team and the associated research in our lab.

BibTeX Entry

        Author="Peter Stone and Peggy Fidelman and Nate Kohl and Gregory Kuhlmann and Tekin Mericli and Mohan Sridharan and Shao-en Yu",
        Title="The {UT} {A}ustin {V}illa 2006 {R}obo{C}up Four-Legged Team",
        Institution="The University of Texas at Austin, Department of Computer Sciences, AI Laboratory",
                  The UT Austin Villa Four-Legged Team for RoboCup
                  2006 was a fourth-time entry in the ongoing series
                  of RoboCup legged league competitions.  The team
                  development began in mid-January of 2003 without any
                  prior familiarity with the Aibos.  After entering a
                  fairly non-competitive team in RoboCup 2003, the
                  team made several important advances. By the July
                  2004 competition that took place in Lisbon,
                  Portugal, it was one of the top few teams.  After
                  those first two years of intense development, the
                  team's third and fourth years were devoted more to
                  spin-off research than to development related to the
                  competition.  Building off of the team's previous
                  three technical
                  this report details the changes made to the team
                  between RoboCup 2005 and RoboCup 2006 in Bremen.
                  Taken together, this and the previous technical
                  reports provide the history and details of the UT
                  Austin Villa RoboCup Four-Legged team and the
                  associated research in our lab.
  wwwnote={At <a href=""></a>},

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