public class Shruti extends CS Major {
Shruti() {
fullName =
"Shruti Patel";
String homeTown = "Austin, TX";
String school = "UT Austin";
String[] experience = "[Google CSSI, Web Developer @ Texas Ally Real Estate & ITtech systems, SWE @ The Home Depot, SWE @ J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.]";
Resume resume = new Resume("pdf");
String[] hobbiesAndInterests = new String[] {
"working out",
"spending time w/ dogs",
public static void contact() {
email =
String[] links = new String[] {
University of Texas, Austin
B.S. - Computer Science
Expected Graduation: Dec 2024
Relevant Coursework:
Computer Science
- Introduction to Programming (CS 312)
- Energy Analytics Research with Data Science & Machine Learning (CS 309)
- Data Structures (CS 314)
- Discrete Math (CS 311)
- Computer Architecture (CS 429)
- Linear Algebra/Matrices (M3 40L)
- Operating System (CS 439)
- Intro to Probability and Statistics (SDS 321)
- Machine Learning 1 (CS 363M) *
- Game Programming Paradigms (CS 354P) *
Other Relevant Learning Experience
- Harvard CS50 (Java, C)
- Google CSSI (Firebase, Javascript, HTML, CSS, Cloudshell)
- Kode With Klossy (HTML, Javascript, CSS, Swift)
*in progress
TCP Networking & RSA Encryption
Implemented a network protocol that sends packets over the network using tcp protocols. Implementation deals with dropped packets, corrupted packets, and any error that may happen between transporting. Also used encryption to protect the data that is sent over the network.
C++Stock Market Machine Learning Predictions
Implemented a machine learning model that predicts when the stock market is going to be high for buying/selling purposes for the SP500.
Link to Jupyter Lab
JPMorgan Chase & Co. Hackathon
Implemented a project in 24 hrs to help a non-profit organization solve their current issues of better educating their audience. Created a quiz application.
Link to Github project
Image Classification
Developed an interpreter that classifies and segments geographic features of a land cover satellite image. Mask-images will be produced with colors of geographic features corresponding to the statelite image.
Link to Jupyter Notebook
Post Workout
Built a workout-social media application that allows users to create post, view others post, and locate the neares gym through the use of an api. Users data is stored in google's cloudshell server.
Link to Github
HTML, CSS, Javascript, Firebase, Cloudshell
A simple app to help young voters get politically active; published on the app store October 2020 and advertised on Karlie Kloss's instagram, reaching nearly 9 million people. Built on Xcode using Swift.
.Link to App Store
Swift, XCode
Brain Break
The Brain Break site includes two tabs: Brain Game and Productivity. The Brain Game is short, interactive game where you can help your brain calm down.
Link to Dev Post
HTML / CSS / JavaScript
Personal Website
This website was made from pure HTML/CSS! I also drew all of the icons using Adobe Sketch.
HTML / CSS / JavaScript
Created a website that combats imposters syndrome in STEM by allowing users to take a quiz and get a recommended letter of STEM to check out potential careers.
SheTem Demo
HTML / CSS / JavaScript, React
Rock Paper Scissors
Developed a Rock Paper Scissors Game which analyzes user input and plays against a computer. The computer choices are generated through a random player object to mimic a rock paper scissor simulation.
Link to Github
UT Tower
Created a program that recreates the UT Tower based on a constant. The UT Tower is adjustable through changes in the constant variable.
Link to Github
Hangman Game
Developed a Hangman game where users must guess a randomly generated word.
Link to Github