About Me

I was a Ph.D. student in the Computer Science Department at The
University of Texas at Austin (graduated 2015). I was a member of
the Learning
Agents Research Group (LARG), advised by Professor Peter Stone.
My research focused on designing learning agents for solving sustainable energy
problems. Prior to joining the Ph.D. program at UT Austin, I completed a dual
major B.Sc in computer science and mathematics, and an M.Sc in computer
science, both at Tel Aviv University.
Dec 2015:
I graduated and moved to co-establish an autonomous driving research group at General Motors.
Feb 2015:
I won 2nd place in the UT Energy Week Research Competition, in the category ''Generation, Distribution & Markets''.
Dec 2013:
Best Contribution Award in NIPS 2013 workshop on Machine Learning for
Sustainability for the paper: ''TacTex'13: A Champion Adaptive Power Trading
July 2013: We won first place in the Power
Trading Agent Competition (PowerTAC) with our new TacTex
July 2011: We won first place at the the international RoboCup 2011 competition in the 3D simulation league with our team
UT Austin Villa.
Ph.D. Dissertation:
Autonomous Trading in Modern Electricity Markets
Conference Papers:
An MDP-Based Winning Approach to Autonomous Power Trading: Formalization and Empirical Analysis
Autonomous Electricity Trading using Time-Of-Use Tariffs in a Competitive Market
TacTex'13: A Champion Adaptive Power Trading Agent.
A Learning Agent for Heat-Pump Thermostat Control.
Model-Selection for Non-Parametric Function Approximation in Continuous Control Problems: A Case Study in a Smart Energy System.
Design and Optimization of an Omnidirectional Humanoid Walk: A Winning Approach at the RoboCup 2011 3D Simulation Competition.
Patrick MacAlpine, Samuel Barrett,
UT Austin Villa 2011: A Champion Agent in the RoboCup 3D Soccer Simulation Competition.
Patrick MacAlpine,
Multiagent Patrol Generalized to Complex Environmental Conditions.
Noa Agmon,
On Optimizing Interdependent Skills: A Case Study in Simulated 3D Humanoid Robot Soccer.
Inner-Product Based Wavelet Synopses for Range-Sum Queries.
Yossi Matias,
Optimal workload-based weighted wavelet synopses.
Yossi Matias,
Journal Articles:
Optimal workload-based weighted wavelet synopses.
Yossi Matias,
Book Chapters:
Wright Eagle and UT Austin Villa: RoboCup 2011 Simulation League Champions.
Aijun Bai, Xiaoping Chen, Patrick MacAlpine,
Technical Reports:
UT Austin Villa 2011 3D Simulation Team Report.
Patrick MacAlpine,
Courses (TA)
CS 343: Artificial Intelligence (Spring 2012)
CS 343: Artificial Intelligence (Spring 2010)
TaxTex - a champion power trading agent
Robocup 3D Simulation Team - a champion simulated robot soccer team
UTSeaSim - a ship patrol simulator