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Faculty Recruiting

We are recruiting in all areas. We especially invite groups of faculty that would like to continue a collaboration, or to establish one. But, all candidates with a passion for research and teaching and the ambition to change the world are encouraged to apply.

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The Computer Science Ambassadors are current CS majors who meet with prospective students who are interested in pursuing a degree in computer science at the University of Texas at Austin.

Texas Robotics

Researchers from across multiple top-ten departments at UT Austin work to advance the capability of robotics in numerous application areas, including: social, surgical, rehabilitation, vehicles, drilling, manufacturing, space, nuclear, and defense.

Machine Learning Laboratory

Machine Learning Laboratory at UT Austin is the focal point of machine learning research on campus, featuring a community of over 100 researchers across various disciplines, including: computer scientists, engineers, linguists, ethicists, and mathematicians.

The Hustle Spotlights UT's Online Master's in Artificial Intelligence Program’s Impact in AI Education

In a recent feature by The Hustle, the Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence (MSAI) program at CDSO is praised for addressing the supply-demand gap for AI professionals through its innovative model of scalable, interdisciplinary AI education. This approach empowers students to tackle real-world challenges by integrating AI into various industries. The program was initiated by leaders in UT Computer Science in 2019 and enables students to apply AI solutions across sectors such as healthcare and agriculture. We are proud to see this initiative thrive, exemplifying our mission to equip the next generation of innovators to lead in the field of AI.