Jiawei Li 李佳蔚

GDC 4.424C
2317 Speedway
Austin, TX 78705

Email: davidlee 'at' cs 'dot' utexas 'dot' edu


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I am a third year CS Ph.D. student at UT Austin, advised by Prof. Scott Aaronson. I'm interested in computational complexity. TFNP is my favorite class. I'm also interested in quantum query / communication complexity.

I got my Bachelor's degree from Peking University, under the supervision of Prof. Xiaotie Deng.

Publications & Preprints

  1. Quantum Communication Advantage in TFNP
    Mika Göös, Tom Gur, Siddhartha Jain, Jiawei Li
    Working Paper. [ECCC, arXiv]
  2. Metamathematics of Resolution Lower Bounds: A TFNP Perspective
    Jiawei Li, Yuhao Li, Hanlin Ren
    Working Paper. [ECCC]
  3. On Pigeonhole Principles and Ramsey in TFNP
    Siddhartha Jain, Jiawei Li, Robert Robere, Zhiyang Xun
    FOCS 2024 [arXiv]
  4. Total NP Search Problems with Abundant Solutions
    Jiawei Li
    ITCS 2024. **An Important Note**
  5. Pandora Box Problem with Nonobligatory Inspection: Hardness and Approximation Scheme
    Hu Fu, Jiawei Li, Daogao Liu
    STOC 2023. [arXiv]
  6. Consensus Division in an Arbitrary Ratio
    Paul W. Goldberg, Jiawei Li
    ITCS 2023. [arXiv]
  7. The Query Complexity of Local Search and Brouwer in Rounds
    Simina Brânzei, Jiawei Li
    COLT 2022. [arXiv]
  8. On the Approximation of Nash Equilibria in Sparse Win-Lose Multi-player Games
    Zhengyang Liu, Jiawei Li, Xiaotie Deng
    AAAI 2021.



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Hobbies: Ballroom Dance, Ultimate Frisbee, and Competitive Programming.