Home CS439

CS439: Principles of Computer Systems

Dr. Alison N. Norman and Dr. Mootaz Elnozahy

Schedule for Fall 2024

This schedule, and the links contained in it, are subject to change during the semester. Exam dates, however, are final.

Reading assignments are generally from one of the required textbooks:

Readings from additional sources are linked from the schedule. All reading assignments are recommended and are most beneficial when completed before class on the schedule day.




Suggested Readings

Mon Aug 26 Introduction & Themes Reading: OSTEP: Chapter 2, except 2.6
Wed Aug 28 History of Operating Systems
Fri Aug 30 Attend discussion section
Section 0 Problem Set due 10:59p
(Electronic Submission through Canvas)

Mon Sep 2 Labor Day
Wed Sep 4 Processes
Reading: OSTEP: The Process, Process API, and Limited Direct Execution up to 6.3
Project 0 available
Fri Sep 6 Section 1 Problem Set due in section
Shell Group Planning and Reflections document due at 11:59p

Mon Sep 9 More Processes and CPU Scheduling Reading: OSTEP: CPU Scheduling
and The Multi-Level Feedback Queue
Wed Sep 11 Threads and Too Much Milk!
Reading: OSTEP: Concurrency and Threads API (up to 27.3)
Fri Sep 13 Project 0 Design Doc rough draft due in section
Project 0 Code due at 5:59p
Project 0 Design Doc due at 10:59p
Shell Group Evaluation document due at 11:59p

Mon Sep 16 Locks and Semaphores Reading: OSTEP: Locks (skip 28.8-28.11) and
Semaphores (up to 31.5)
Project 1 available
Project 1 group registration due 10:59p
Wed Sep 18 Deadlock and Monitors
Reading: OSTEP: Common Concurrency Problems, pages 1-11 (stop at "Deadlock Avoidance via Scheduling"), and
Fri Sep 20 Section 3 Problem Set due in section
Threads Group Planning and Reflections document due at 11:59p

Mon Sep 23 More Synchronization
Reading: MH: Atomic Transactions: Intro and Durability (5.1 and 5.4)
Wed Sep 25 The Importance of Safety
  1. Read the Therac-25 paper, following these tips.
    If you are off-campus, this link through the UT libraries Web proxy may be useful.
  2. Read this New York Times article and at least the first two pages of this one.
    To get access to the online NYT through UT, follow the library's instructions.
Fri Sep 27 Project 1 Design Doc rough draft due in section
Project 1 Code due at 5:59p
Project 1 Design Doc due at 10:59p
Threads Group Evaluation document due at 11:59p
Project 2 available

Mon Sep 30 Synch Review
Project 2 group registration due 10:59p
Wed Oct 2 Exam 1 7p-9p in WEL 2.224
Fri Oct 4 No Discussion Section
Userprog Group Planning and Reflections document due at 11:59p

Mon Oct 7 Memory: Overview
Reading: OSTEP: Address Spaces and
Mechanism: Address Translation
Project 2 Stack Check Due
Wed Oct 9 Virtual Memory: Mechanisms Reading: OSTEP: Paging: An Introduction
Fri Oct 11 Section 5 Problem Set due in section
Userprog Group Reflections document due at 11:59p

Mon Oct 14 Virtual Memory: Policies
Reading: OSTEP: Paging: Smaller Tables and Swapping: Policies
Wed Oct 16 Virtual Memory: More Policies Project 3 available
Fri Oct 18 Section 6 Problem Set due in section
Project 2 Code due at 5:59p
Userprog Group Evaluation document due at 11:59p

Mon Oct 21 Heap Memory Management
Reading: OSTEP: Memory:API
Project 2 Code Reviews begin
Project 3 group registration due 10:59p
Wed Oct 23 Garbage Collection
Fri Oct 25 Data Structures and Design Document rough drafts due in section
Project 3 Data Structures and Design Document due at 10:59p
VM Group Planning and Reflections document due at 11:59p

Mon Oct 28 Secondary Storage
Reading: OSTEP: I/O Devices, Hard Disk Drives, and SSDs
Wed Oct 30 File System Fundamentals and Design
Reading: OSTEP: Files and Directories,
File System Implementation,
and Locality and The Fast File System
Fri Nov 1 Section 8 Problem Set due in section
VM Group Reflections document due at 11:59p

Mon Nov 4 File System Consistency Reading: OSTEP: Crash Consistency: FSCK and Journaling
Wed Nov 6 Exam 2 7p-9p in UTC 2.102A
Fri Nov 8 No Discussion Section
Project 3 Code due at 5:59p
VM Group Evaluation document due at 11:59p
Project 4 available

Mon Nov 11 Networks and Their Abstractions Reading: An Introduction to Computer Networks, Chapter 1, sections 1-1.3, 1.9-1.14, by Peter L. Dordal
Project 4 group registration due 10:59p
Wed Nov 13 Sockets and Parallel Programming
Fri Nov 15 Section 9 Problem Set due in section
Filesys Group Planning and Reflections document due at 11:59p

Mon Nov 18 Parallel and Distributed Computing
Reading: OSTEP: Multiprocessor Scheduling
Distributed Systems for Fun and Profit, by Mikito Takada, Chapter 2 and Chapter 3
Wed Nov 20 Fancy File Systems
Reading: NFS
The Google File System
Fri Nov 22 Section 10 Problem Set due in section
Filesys Group Reflections document due at 11:59p

Mon-Fri Nov 25-29 Thanksgiving! with a bit of Deadlock Revisited on the side :) Reading: Deadlock Notes
from Dr. John T. Bell at University of Illinois, Chicago

Mon Dec 2 The Security Mindset Reading: OSTEP: Why Security,
Introduction to OS Security, and
Wed Dec 4 Putting It All Together
Fri Dec 6 No discussion sections
Project 4 Code due at 5:59p
Project 4 Design Doc due at 10:59p
Filesys Evaluation document due at 11:59p
No slip days!

Mon Dec 9 Something Different
Final Exam is at the time and location scheduled by the registrar
NOT at the time given on the registrar's tentative schedule, but at a uniform time with my other sections of CS439.
The registrar typically publishes the final exam schedule in early October.

The exam may be as late as Monday, December 16th.