UT-Austin Computer Architecture Seminar Series

Fall 1999

Location and time:

Presentation schedule:

Date Speaker Title Slides/Papers
Oct 4 Jesse Fang
Intel Corporation
IA-64 Architecture and Compiler Technology Abstract
Oct 8
Friday Seminar
3:30pm, Taylor 2.106
Mark Oskin
University of California - Davis
Active Pages: Bringing Intelligent Memory to Commodity Systems Abstract
Oct 11 No Seminar - ICCD

Oct 18 Mateo Valero
Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya
Register File Use and Organization for Future Superscalar Processors Abstract and bio
Oct 25 Babak Falsafi
Purdue Univeristy
Purdue Impetus: Designing Future High-Performance Enterprise Server Architectures Abstract and bio
Nov 1 Bill Dally
Stanford University
Computer Architecture for the New Millenium Abstract and bio
Nov 5
Friday Seminar
3:30pm, Taylor 2.106
Guri Sohi
University of Wisconsin
New Methods for Exploiting Program Structure and Behavior in Computer Architecture Abstract, bio, and slides.
Nov 8 Chuck Moore
IBM Austin
Server Oriented Microprocessor Optimizations Abstract and slides
Nov 15 No seminar - MICRO

Nov 29
3:30pm, ENS 302
Marius Evers
University of Michigan
Improving Branch Prediction by Understanding Branch Behavior Abstract

Previous Seminar Series


Comments? Need to schedule a seminar? Contact Craig Chase, Lizy John, Yale Patt, Steve Keckler, or Doug Burger.

This seminar series is organized jointly by the Departments of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Computer Sciences at the University of Texas at Austin.

Last modified by skeckler@cs.utexas.edu
Sun Jul 11 23:16:19 CDT 1999