Resource Wealth
West Papua had for many years produced significant amounts
of oil for Anglo/Dutch firm Shell amongst others. However
it was not until 1967 that the massive reserve of copper
at Mt Carstenz was first exploited by the Freeport
McMoRan company of Louisiana, which had been granted
mining rights by General Soeharto shortly after coming
to office.
The huge Freeport mine holds copper and gold
reserves worth at least US $40 billion. Yet with political
control and a twenty per cent share held in Jakarta, and
USA-based Freeport and the giant RTZ company of the UK
owning the dominant eighty per cent share in the mine,
very little of the mineral revenue returns to West Papua
and only a small proportion directly benefits the native
There appears to be little planning given to long
term sustainable economic development, with a rapid increase
more recently in new mining and logging projects.
Of the 41.5 million hectares of forest in Irian Jaya,
over 27.6 million hectares have been designated as
production forest. Indonesian law enables the Government
to act virtually as it pleases with respect to the resource
rights of the West Papuan tribal people. Transmigration,
comrnercial logging, mining and other government-sponsored
programs are considered to be in the interests of the nation,
and take priority over any local land claims.
The forcible
removal from traditional lands, coupled with the inherent
differences between traditional and industrial culture, often
causes indigenous communities to react with open hostility.
"Enclave" type developments in the timber, mineral and oil
sector, provide the Indonesian Government with the bulk of
its foreign exchange earnings in eastern Indonesia. There
is a close association of military personnel with such projects.

"Indigenous peoples have
the right to maintain
and strengthen their
distinctive spiritual
and material relationship
with the lands,
territories, waters and
coastal seas and other
resources which they
have traditionally owned
or otherwise occupied
or used, and to uphold
their responsibilities
to future generations
in this regard."
Draft Declaration
on the Rights
of Indigenous
People, The United
Nations Commission
on Human Rights