CS371p: Object-Oriented Programming

  • Fall 2024: 50595 (57), 50600 (55)
  • 26 Aug - 9 Dec 2024

Project #5: Life


  • Write a program, ideally with a partner, to solve Life [C++20 (g++ 8.3.0, C++20 standard, 2 sec, 512 MB, source 50 KB)]
  • Life is a simple simulation of cell automata.
  • Life contains a two-dimensional grid of cells. A cell can only be in one of two states: alive or dead. There are two kinds of cells: ConwayCells and FredkinCells.
  • Once the grid is manually populated with live and/or dead cells, the grid represents the 0th generation of Life. After that, everything is automatic, and Life evolves from the 1st to the Nth generation. A generation is simply the state of the grid (i.e. the layout of the live and dead cells).
  • Live ConwayCells are denoted with an asterisk, "*", and dead cells are denoted with a period, ".". A ConwayCell has 8 neighbors, if it's an interior cell, 5 neighbors, if it's an edge cell, and 3 neighbors, if it's a corner cell. The example below is of 1 ConwayCell that is alive surrounded by 8 ConwayCells that are dead:
  • ConwayCells do not have the notion of age, FredkinCells do. A FredkinCell's age is initially zero and only increments by one if the cell is alive and stays alive. Its age never goes down.
  • Live FredkinCells are denoted with their age, if their age is less than 10, otherwise denoted with a plus, "+", and dead cells are denoted with a minus, "-". A FredkinCell has 4 neighbors, if it's an interior cell, 3 neighbors, if it's an edge cell, and 2 neighbors, if it's a corner cell. The example below is of 1 FredkinCell that is alive and of age 5 surrounded by 4 FredkinCells that are dead:
    - 5 -
  • The rules for going from one generation to the next for ConwayCells are:
  • a dead cell becomes a live cell, if exactly 3 neighbors are alive
  • a live cell becomes a dead cell, if less than 2 or more than 3 neighbors are alive
  • The rules for going from one generation to the next for FredkinCells are:
  • a dead cell becomes a live cell, if 1 or 3 neighbors are alive
  • a live cell becomes a dead cell, if 0, 2, or 4 neighbors are alive
  • You will define the following classes:
  • AbstractCell, an abstract class that is the base class of class ConwayCell and class FredkinCell
  • Cell, a handle class that manages derived class objects of class AbstractCell
  • ConwayCell, a concrete class
  • FredkinCell, a concrete class
  • Life<T>, a concrete class
  • Life will be instantiated with either ConwayCell, FredkinCell, or Cell.
  • If Life is instantiated with Cell, then when a FredkinCell's age is to become 2, and only then, it becomes a live ConwayCell instead.
  • Create a good object-oriented design with no getters and setters by writing well-defined classes that are responsible for a specific and modular part of the solution:
  • Read Getters and Setters and More on Getters and Setters
  • Create a UML diagram to represent the design. Use any UML editor that you like. The diagram needs to show data members, methods, associations and multiplicity between the classes.
  • Use Gliffy, PlantUML, yUML, or something else.
  • You may not use new, delete, malloc(), free(), or allocator. You may use the STL.
  • An exception is that you can use new/delete to construct ConwayCell and FredkinCell objects when you construct Cell objects and in clone and mutate.


  • create a private code repo (https://gitlab.com/GitLabID/cs371p-life/)
  • enable issues here: Settings -> General -> Visibility, project features, permissions -> Issues
  • create the following issue labels here: Issues -> New Issue -> Labels -> Manage project labels (labels are case sensitive):
    • build (Titanium yellow)
    • code (Dark violet)
    • documentation (Gray)
    • tests (Dark coral)
  • import the issues: Issues -> Import issues -> Import CSV
  • close all issues
  • add and close new issues as you debug and develop your solution
  • provide your GitLab URL on the Canvas assignment



Assets Location
  • 12 tests
  • there is NO resubmission for this project
  • HackerRank
  • hr_Life-Conway.cpp (combine Life.hpp and run_Life-Conway.cpp)
  • hr_Life-Fredkin.cpp (combine Life.hpp and run_Life-Fredkin.cpp)
  • hr_Life-Cell.cpp (combine Life.hpp and run_Life-Cell.cpp)
Build Files
  • .gitignore
  • .gitlab-ci.yml
  • Makefile
  • README.md
  • GitLab
  • add at least 5 more issues
  • GitLab
Unit Tests
  • test_Life.cpp
Acceptance Tests
  • between 20 and 30 tests, between 400 and 600 lines, total
  • max output file size of 500k
  • run checktestdata
  • do not run gcov
  • do not run Valgrind
Continuous Integration
  • GitLab Pipelines
  • Life.hpp
  • create inline comments if you need to explain the why of a particular implementation
  • run doxygen (Life.hpp only)
  • git log
  • create a UML diagram to represent the design
  • use Gliffy, PlantUML, yUML, or something else
  • Life.html
  • Life.log.txt
  • Life.[pdf, png, svg]

Copyright © Glenn P. Downing, 1995-2024
Updated 19 Nov 2024