Real-Time Systems Group
Department of Computer Sciences
The University of Texas at Austin
The Real-Time Systems research group is headed by Prof.
Aloysius Mok. In the past few years, we have worked towards laying
the groundwork for establishing a firm theoretical foundation for real-time
systems and also to build design tools based on this foundation. Our work
can be categorized into three areas as follows:
- Specification and Modeling: precise formulation of real-time properties
of systems.
- Analysis and Verification: reasoning about real-time properties.
- Synthesis: enforcing stringent timing constraints and other real-time
- RTL (Real-Time Logic)
- Modechart Toolset
- Modechart Editor
- Modechart Verifier
- Modechart Simulator
- Modechart Compiler
- Timetool
- Ged, a generic graph editor (built around xfig)
- Scenario Language
Some of our publications are available in our Publications
We also have the list, including the publication abstracts.
Current Members