CS354/BME345 Computer Graphics

Spring 2025
Instructor: Sarah Abraham
E-mail: theshark 'at' cs.utexas.edu
Office: GDC 7.716
Office hours: TTh 1:00pm-3:00pm

Lecture time: MWF 3:00pm-4:00pm
Lecture location: GDC 5.302
Unique Number: 51080 || 15600

This is an introductory course on the major topics in the areas of image synthesis, interactive techniques, geometric modeling, and computer-based animation. Upon course completion, you should have mastered both the mathematical principles of these techniques and their implementation. Implementation of these techniques will be demonstrated through a series of programming assignments in C++ and Typescript, in many cases using WebGL. Your mastery of the mathematical fundamentals will be exercised through written homework and quizzes.

Last modified: 01/09/25 by Sarah Abraham theshark@cs.utexas.edu