From van IJzeren's correspondence to my aunt and uncle
Browsing through letters sent to my late aunt dr H.A. van Herk-Kluyver, I found the following theorem and proof in a letter from my late brother-in-law mr dr J.van IJzeren. The theorem is surprising but not interesting; this note is devoted to its proof because it is an elementary and very convincing illustration of the use of the device of the General Solution (which I promoted in EWD1155).
The proof uses two theorems.
(0) A Pythagorean triple that is relatively prime, can be written as p2 q2, 2pq, p2 + q2 (See EWD1172.)
(1) For prime p, np n is a multiple of p. (Known as "Fermat's Little Theorem", see EWD740.)
The theorem to be proved here —as said: surprising but not interesting— is
(2) For any Pythagorean triple, i.e. with a2 + b2 = c2, there is a multiple of 7 among (a), (b), (a−b), (a+b).
Proof Because of a2 + b2 = c2, any factor shared by 2 of the numbers is shared by the 3rd, and hence we can restrict ourselves to a, b, c that are relatively prime. We shall do so in what follows.
With ⊑ denoting "divides" and p,q providing (see (0)) the parameters for the General Solution of a2 + b2 = c2, we observe
7 ⊑ a ∨ 7 ⊑ b ∨ 7 ⊑ a-b ∨ 7 ⊑ a+b
≡ { algebra, prime.7 }
7 ⊑ ab(a2 b2)
≡ { a := p2 q2, b := 2pq }
7 ⊑ 2(p2 q2)pq(p4 - 2p2q2 + q4 4p2q2)
≡ { ¬ 7 ⊑ 2, prime.7, algebra }
7 ⊑ pq(p2 q2) (p4 - 6p2q2 + q4)
≡ { modulo calculus }
7 ⊑ pq(p2 q2) (p4 + p2q2 + q4)
≡ { algebra }
7 ⊑ pq(p6 q6)
≡ { algebra }
7 ⊑ p7q pq7
≡ { Fermat's Little Theorem, modulo calculus, prime.7 }
7 ⊑ pq pq
≡ { 7 ⊑ 0 }
I don't think I could have proved this theorem without the introduction of p and q.
Austin, 11 January 2002
prof.dr. Edsger W. Dijkstra
Department of Computer Sciences
The University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX 78712 1188 USA