Verification Case Studies with ObjectCheck
. Fei Xie. Invited demo and presentation at Microsoft Research. Apr. 2003.
ObjectCheck: A Model
ObjectCheck: A Model
Checking Tool for Executable Object-oriented Software System Designs
In Fundamental Approach to Software Engineering (FASE), April 2002.
Verified Systems by Composition from Verified Components.
Fei Xie.
In 4th Joint Meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference and ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE), Sep. 2003.
Translation-Based Compositional Reasoning for Software Systems
. Fei Xie. In 12th International FME (Formal Method Europe) Symposium, 2003.
Integrated State Space Reduction for
Model Checking Executable Object-oriented Software System Designs.
Fei Xie. In Fundamental Approach to Software Engineering (FASE), Apirl 2002.
Model Checking for an
Model Checking for an
Executable Subset of UML
. Fei Xie. In 16th International Conference
on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), 2001.