
Hello! Welcome to my CS webpage where CS-related resources are posted under the resources tab, my current schedule, and learn more about me under the About Me tab.

I created this webpage for fun as the Department of Computer Science allows us to create our very own personal webpage. You can learn more about that here: UT CS Personal Webpage


Mar 7, 2024
The Computer Science Department has increased the quota for undergrads from 10 GB to 15 GB as of March 6, 2024. I think tmpclass accounts accounts should also increase as non-CS major students may also be taking storage intense classes such as CS 303E, CS 312, CS 314, and so on.

Mar 5, 2024
All webpages have been updated with better navigation which now has the ability to contain multiple multiple classes per each respective department and/or subject.

Feb 27, 2024
Economics page is now ready, while the CS webpage might be delayed into late March. The website is semi-complete for public launch.

Feb 21, 2024 - Feb 30th, 2024
Website under construction. Expected completion for the main landing homepage is Feburary 30th.