UT Algorithms and Computational Theory Group

Research Themes

The algorithms and computational theory (ACT) group focuses on the theoretical foundations of computer science. The current research interests of faculty in the group include algorithm design, complexity theory, parallel and distributed computation, graph theory, randomized computation, computational learning theory, probabilistic methods and combinatorics. A major focus of the group is on the design and analysis of provably efficient algorithms for solving fundamental computational problems, where efficiency can be measured in terms of different resources such as time, space, number of processors, and number of random bits. We also have strong connections to application areas of theoretical CS such as data mining and computational biology.


Algorithms and Complexity

Data Mining and Machine Learning

Computational Biology and Bioinformatics

Formal Methods

Recently Graduated Students and Postdocs

We have had great success in placing our students and postdocs in academia and research labs. We list a few recent examples here:

Student Awards

We are proud of the prestigious awards our students have won at major TCS conferences:

Seminar Series

The ACT Seminar usually meets on Fridays at 11, and features research talks, problem solving sessions, and discussion of recent theory research results.

Click here for the ACT seminar calendar.

The `algorithms' Mailing List

The algorithms mailing list is an electronic mailing list on which ACT seminars are announced. If you are part of the UT community can add yourself to this mailing list by sending an e-mail message to udb"at"cs.utexas.edu; please describe your UT affiliation along with your request to be added to the algorithms mailing list. You can remove your name from this mailing list at any time by sending a message requesting removal to udb"at"cs.utexas.edu.

Useful Pointers