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  1. General Options
  2. Intersection Manager
    Selects how the cars are conducted through the intersection. There are three choices: overpass, traffic light, and reservation. These correspond to the three systems described on the main page.
    Determines the number of lanes to create travelling in the specified direction.
    Spawn Probability
    For the specified direction, the probability that a vehicle will be spawned at any given time step of the simulation.
    Use Ghost Cars
    If this box is checked, vehicles are allowed to pass through each other as if they were "ghosts".
    Simulation Width
    The width, in meters, of the area the simulator should simulate.
    Simulation Height
    The height, in meters, of the area the simulator should simulate.
  3. Traffic Light Options
  4. Period
    The length of time, in seconds, of a complete cycle of the traffic light.
    The length of time, as a fraction of the period, for which the lights governing East/West traffic flow are green.
    The length of time, as a fraction of the period, for which all lights are red between successive green lights.
  5. Reservation Options
  6. Granularity
    The number of reservation tiles along the side of the square of tiles controlling the intersection. A granularity of 1 corresponds to one tile, whereas a granularity of 4 corresponds to a 4 x 4 grid, or 16 total tiles. Higher numbers provide a more efficient intersection, but consume more memory and processor usage. For best results, this number should be at least the maximum number of lanes on a side of the intersection.
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