About Me

I am currently an undergraduate student at the University of Texas at Austin pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and a Bachelor of Arts in Economics. In the field of computer science, I'm interested in deep learning and game development; but really anything related to technology interest me. In the field of economics, I'm interested in macroeconomics and finance. In my free time I enjoy exercising and reading.


Computer Science Projects

Chess Game and Engine

Chess middlegame between a user and AI using the Ponziani opening

This project is a digital representation of the classic chess board game, implemented using Python's Pygame library and designed for single-player mode against an AI.

Stock Price Prediction using Neural Networks

Plot displays a comprehensive view of a time series forecasting project's results

Leveraged cutting-edge deep learning techniques to predict future trends in time series data. Successfully built and evaluated an LSTM-based forecasting model that predicts Chase's stock price. Demonstrated the potential to make data-driven decisions.

Music Genre Classifier

Classifying songs based on their genre and tempo

Conducted data exploration, anomaly detection, feature engineering, and final modeling to correctly predict the genre of music that a song belongs to.

Capsule Wardrobe App

Three screens in the app

Built an app using Android Studio and Kotlin that enables one to plan their outfits for the week. The user can take pictures of their clothing items and the app stores those items in a virtual closet.

GitLab Repository

Economics Research

The Effect of the Capital Gains Tax on Median Income

Stata data table showing the linear regression results

Although there has been research to show that having a low capitals gains tax encourages investment and/or lures wealthier individuals. My research using state data in the US shows that the capitals gains tax rate is a relatively insignificant in determining median income.

Full Paper

Economic Progress: The Relationship Between Finance and Growth

The financial structure of economies with different incomes

The picture above is sourced from Ross Levine's Financial Development and Economic Growth, which was a major influence on my paper. My paper explores the role of financial markets and how they positively affect a nation's economic development and standard of living.

Full Paper

Relevant Coursework

Computer Science Coursework

  • Data Structures
  • Discrete Math
  • Computer Architecture
  • Operating Systems
  • Algorithms and Complexity
  • Mobile Computing
  • Machine Learning
  • Programming for Correctness and Performance
  • Software Engineering
  • Game Programming
  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Economics Coursework

  • Economic Statistics
  • Microeconomic Theory
  • Econometrics
  • Macroeconomic Theory
  • International Trade and Development
  • Money and Banking
  • Industrial Organization
  • Get In Touch