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Functions are a way to organize chunks of your code together. A function is a group of statements about a related subtask that is bundled together by a name. For example, we might have a getLetter function that asks the user for a lowercase letter, or an averageNumbers function that averages a list of numbers. Functions are important because they allow your code to be modular---you write a function once, and you can use that function over and over.
We have already seen some functions. main() is the most important function in a program, because it contains all the code necessary to start the program and is responsible for calling other functions. Let's take a second to review the setup of main:
int main(){ //code goes here }
We begin by declaring the return type of main to be an integer. This tells the computer that we intend for main to send back an integer when it is finished. Usually, this is accomplished through a return statement, and, by convention, main returns a 1 if there were an error and 0 if the program completes successfully. We haven't been including a return statement and, for main, it isn't absolutely necessary. We'll talk more about return types for other functions soon.
We then write the name of the function, main, and follow it with a set of parentheses. These parentheses are for parameters. Parameters are things like numbers or variables that are sent into a function so that it can use them in its code. For our purposes, they are empty for main, but we'll see them in action in other functions soon.
Finally we have a set of curly braces, and we put the code that belongs to main inside the curly braces.
Let's try writing a very simple function that prints the greeting "Hello World!". We will call (run) this function from main. It won't take any parameters or return anything, so the return type of this function will be void. Here's how we would set it up:
#include <iostream> using namespace std; void printGreeting(){ cout << "Hello World!\n"; } int main(){ printGreeting(); }
Here, we made the printGreeting function exactly like we made main. We declared its return type to be void, named it printGreeting, and put no parameters inside the parentheses. Inside the curly braces, we wrote the same code we used for our very first C++ program.
What's interesting is how we call, or run, the function. Inside of main, we call the function by naming it and then following it by a set of empty parentheses, which we'll explain in a minute. As always, we end the line with a semi-colon.
The way that this program works is the following: the computer begins running the program inside the main function. When it gets to the printGreeting function, it "jumps" to where we defined the printGreeting function and starts executing that code. When it gets to the end of the printGreeting function, it jumps back to the main function exactly where it left off and continues executing the rest of the code in main.
Type in the code above and see that it executes. Modify it so that main calls printGreeting() twice. How does the output change?
Good work!
Don't forget to
turn your cups to red so that a member of the camp staff can check your code,
and don't forget to switch drivers!
Let's look at a slightly more complicated function that uses parameters. Parameters allow you to customize a function by performing some set of tasks over different values. In this example, we're going to change printGreeting so that it prints out "Hello, name", where name is some name that the user enters. printGreeting will be sent the name to print out from main. So, the general layout of this program will be: start in main, get a name from the user, send that name to printGreeting, print out the hello message, go back to main. It sounds complicated, but we think you'll master it.
When a function takes a parameter, we need to tell the computer what kind of parameter to expect. So, since we want to give printGreeting a name, the parameter will be a string. We also want to give the computer the name of the parameter to expect, which we can use inside the printGreeting function (but only inside this function). So we will call it name. So, the printGreeting function will look like this, with the name variable used in the cout function:
void printGreeting(string name){ cout << "Hello " << name << "!\n"; }
Now the computer knows that anything that calls the printGreeting function will need to provide a string value that will be called name inside the function. So, in order to call the function, we need to get some input from the user and provide that input when we call the printGreeting function from main:
int main(){ string userName; cout << "Enter a name: "; cin >> userName; printGreeting(userName); }Here, we got a string userName from the user and sent it to the printGreeting function by placing it inside the parentheses.
Before we go any further, we need to have a discussion about the difference between arguments and parameters. The value that is placed in the parentheses when a function is called has a special name: it's the argument to the function. (Or, if there are more than one, they are the arguments!) Arguments differ from parameters in that arguments are what you send to a function and parameters are what a function expects to receive. When the printGreeting function is called from main, the argument userName's value is copied to the parameter name in printGreeting. While the computer is executing the code in printGreeting, it can't use the variable userName, because that variable is only defined (available) in main. So that's why we have a parameter name—the value of userName gets copied to name so that the program has access to that data. When the computer finished executing printGreeting and returns to main, it can again use the variable userName, but it can no longer use name. This is what is known as the scope of a variable, which means where the variable is defined and can be used.
As we mentioned before, on of the reasons that functions are so great is that we can reuse them and give them different arguments. For example, without changing the printGreeting function at all, we can use it to print greetings to three different people:
#include <iostream> using namespace std; void printGreeting(string name){ cout << "Hello " << name << "!\n"; } int main(){ printGreeting("Alison"); printGreeting("Brian"); printGreeting("Clifford the Big Red Dog"); }And we would get the following output:
Hello Alison! Hello Brian! Hello Clifford the Big Red Dog!
That's pretty convenient.
Now that you've been greeted, don't forget to turn your cups to red so that a
member of the camp staff can check your code, and don't forget to switch
We can also use functions to do computation for us and return the answers back to main. For example, let's imagine that we want to write a function called squareANum that calculates the square of a number. We know from math class that the square of a number is that number multiplied by itself. So, let's write a function that takes a floating point number and squares it. After we figure out the square of the number (which we'll call numSquared), we'll need a way to return our answer back to the function that called it. To do this, we simply say:
return numSquared;This is called the return statement, and it is always the last line executed in a function. Since we know that we are squaring floats, we will be returning a float, so the return type of this function will be a float as well. Now we're ready to write our function:
float squareANum(float num){ float numSquared; numSquared = num * num; return numSquared; }We write the function as we normally would, and then tell the computer to return numSquared to the function that called it. Since we are returning something to main, we need to set up a variable to store the value that we are returning. This part of programming is like playing a game of catch. You can imagine that squareANum and main are playing a game of catch, and squareANum is throwing a ball named numSquared at main. If main doesn't catch the ball, the ball will fall in the grass and be lost. In programming, main catches the ball by having a variable in place to store the return value---if it doesn't, the value is gone forever. Since we want to store the result, we'll set our call to squareANum in main equal to the variable result. Here's the whole program:
#include <iostream> using namespace std; float squareANum(float num){ float numSquared; numSquared = num * num; return numSquared; } int main(){ float numToSquare, theSquaredNumber; numToSquare = 5.5; theSquaredNumber = squareANum(numToSquare); //catch the returned value cout << numToSquare << " squared equals " << theSquaredNumber << ".\n"; }Note that you must either a) write a function's code earlier in the program text than it is called or b) include a prototype of that function at the top of the file. A function prototype is the return type, name, and parameter definition followed by a semicolon. For instance, the prototype for squareANum would be:
float squareANum(float num);Function prototypes usually appear before the first function and after the include files.
Yay! Don't forget to turn your cups to red so that a
member of the camp staff can check your code, and don't forget to switch
Finally, we can write functions that take multiple parameters---and those parameters can even have different types. For example, we can modify the printGreeting function so that it takes both a string name and an integer age, and prints out a message about that person's age:
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; void printGreeting(string name, int age){ cout << "Hello " << name << "!\n"; cout << "You are " << age << " years old.\n"; } int main(){ printGreeting("Ronald McDonald", 49); }We just have to remember to send the function all parameters it expects as arguments when we call it. Although we can have different numbers and types of parameters, a function can only return one value, so think carefully about what result you want from a function before you write it.
Modify the printGreeting function to also take a string birthdayMonth parameter, and print out a message that tells them how old they will be the next time it is that month. For the Ronald McDonald example, the output might be, "You will be 50 next January".
You've done a great a job learning about functions. Don't forget to turn your
cups to red so that a member of the camp staff can check your code, and don't
forget to switch drivers!
Now, let's learn about a special data representation, the object.