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Office hours are held in a group setting, and they are question-and-answer only. We are happy to help with code, but only by answering questions that you ask---we will not look at your code. Being able to articulate the problms with your code and ask questions about them is an important skill, and we want you to learn it here and then carry it forward into your future courses and career.
When you come to office hours, please come prepared, having reviewed the relevant topics from the pre-class videos and in class, the specifications, and any other necessary material. Please note that an understanding of the material covered in class is necessary to complete the projects.
When you arrive, join the conversation. Ask questions, listen to responses, add your voice to help others. Office hours are an extension of our community, where we come together to correct misunderstandings and solve problems.
If you need to discuss an individual concern, please set up an individual appointment. These meetings are generally about grades, non-academic issues, or other goings on that do not involve the whole class.
Office hours will begin on Tuesday, 1/21.
Tuesday: Wednesday:
Thursday: Friday:
Alison (she/her) Dorcas Joseph Arnav |
Kai (they/them) Thomas Kim (she/her) |
Lindsey (she/her) Allison (she/her) Kshitij (he/him) |