CS439: Principles of Computer Systems
Discussion Section Problem Set 1
Due in Section on Friday, January 24, 2025
The problem set must be completed before section and brought to section. To
ensure that your problem set is turned in correctly and that you receive credit
for discussion section, you must follow these guidelines exactly.
Open a terminal on a departmental Linux machine. After ensuring that you are in
a bash shell, use the time command to measure the time taken by a Linux
command that sends output to the screen (and maybe other things as well). You
may use any Linux command you like. For instance, a sample run might be (from
your project directory):
time make
Inspect the output. Explain the meaning of each line. Is the output as you
would expect? Why or why not? Include your command in your answer.
Name and briefly describe three OS interfaces.
What differentiates a program, an
executable, and a process?
A typical hardware architecture provides an instruction called
return from interrupt, which is abbreviated by something like
rti. This instruction, which is usually only available while
the machine is running in kernel mode, switches the mode of operation
from kernel mode to user mode.
- Explain under what circumstances this instruction would be
used by the operating system.
- What happens if an application program executes
this instruction?
Your shell's PATH is a colon separated list of where to find programs to run.
On Linux it can be printed out by running echo $PATH.
Create a toy hello world program, and give it a name of an unimportant
executable (like sl) then edit your PATH so that this program is run
instead of its real equivalent. How did you change your PATH, and what does
this say about the shell picks programs to run based on your PATH?
Now remove execute permissions from your toy program using chmod -x
{program_name}. What happens when you type your programs name into your
Hint: The following commands temporarly edit your PATH, try running them
and note how your PATH changes.
export PATH=$PATH:{new_directory}
export PATH={new_directory}:$PATH