The new color map file format to create RawV files

Two types of entries (1 per line and can be mixed):

1. Comment:

# This entire line is a comment since it starts with a '#' symbol.
# Such lines are VERY VERY important.
# The color map depends on indices, which could change if our parser changes
# ( Not our fault, blame the PDB ). If the parser changes, the old colormaps
# may not do what is desired. So, if there are good comments as to what is 
# being trying to be achieved, one could modify color maps more easily.
# Moral of the story - add comments.

2. Actual color map entries:

Molecule     Chain     SecondaryStructure     Residue     Atom     Red     Green     Blue     Alpha

Description of color map entry:

Field  What it contains    Type
Molecule Index      Integer
Chain Index in Molecule+Identifier Integer+"Alphabet"
Use Index, if Identifier doesn't match, print error, but continue
SecondaryStructure Not being used. Use 0 if required. Integer
Residue Index in PDB file Integer+"XXX"
Use Index, if Name doesnt match, print error, but continue
Atom Name+Index in Residue "XXXX"+Integer
Name could be "XXXX". If it is, we look up using Index
Red 0-1 Double
Green 0-1 Double
Blue 0-1 Double
Alpha 0-1 Double


# Hemoglobin molecule
# Make the entire molecule Red
"0" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "1.0" "0.0" "0.0" "1.0"
# Make this atom blue
"0" "1" "B" "0" "6" "GLU" " N  " "0" "0.0" "0.0" "1.0" "1.0"
# The above hierarchical description makes everything red 
# except the N in the residue with index 6, (which should be GLU) in chain 1 (which should be B) in molecule 0.


1. By default a molecule is initially transparent.
2. If a field has multiple Ids, pick the first. If the second doesn't match, print error, but continue parsing. 
    If the element could not be found, just skip that line in color map and continue after printing an error.
3. In the case of Atoms, if the Name is XXXX, use index instead.
4. If a field is blank ( ie "" ), apply to all children.
5. Newer entries can override the specifications of a previous one, but not of its children. 
    For example, if we set a molecule to red, then a chain to blue then the molecule to green, we will
    get a green molecule with a blue chain. The chain's color is not overwritten. This is to make implementation
6. We don't allow "0" "" "1" etc. for now, although this is useful. This could be changed later.

Other comments:

We use the notation "<whatever>" because fields like Atoms can have spaces in them.