Chandrajit Bajaj
Computational Applied Mathematics Chair in Visualization
Professor of Computer Sciences
Director of Center for Computational Visualization

Department of Computer Sciences & The Oden Institute of Computational Engineering and Sciences, Center for Computational Visualization

201 East 24th Street, ACES 2.324A,
1 University Station, C0200
Austin, TX 78712-0027

Admin. Assoc. : Laura Lansing (
Office Phone : +1 512-471-8870
FAX : +1 512-471-0982

Courses Taught
    CS378/CSE392 Geometric Foundations of Data Sciences, Fall 2017
Graduate Predictive Machine Learning CS 395 (#53155) CSE 392 (#65519) M392C (#55759) Fall 2022

Numerical Optimization and AI: Spectral Graph Theory & AI : CS 395T (#51710) Spring 2022

Courses taught at Purdue University