CS354: CS Accounts and Linux Machines
How to apply for a CS account:
Step 1: Go to the following web page
Step 2: Log in using your UT EID and follow the instructions on the page
- If you are not currently listed as enrolled in any CS classes which require the use of a CS account,
nor are you on our list of eligible guest account recipients, then you cannot get an account.
If you feel there is an error, send mail to udb@cs.utexas.edu
How to use CS machines:
Step 1: Once you get an account, you can log in any CS Linux machine in the
Taylor and
Painter basement
- To get the list of CS Linux machine names, you can type "cshosts publinux", after you log in
- You will see the following machine names in alphabetical order:
- antones, apu, archeologist, backroom, ...
- The following computers are in the Taylor basement:
- davit, bulkhead, mast, and mainsa
- Full name of each computer is NAME.cs.utexas.edu, For example, antones.cs.utexas.edu, apu.cs.utexas.edu and so on
- I do not recommend you to remotely use CS Linux machines, becase OpenGL library may not work.
If you use CS machines remotely, then you will use the local hardware you have.
Step 2: After you sucessfully log in, please try the following OpenGL program
- Type "startx" to start X server
- Download the following files in your directory
- Makefile
- dirt.ppm
- ginit.C
- main.C
- main.h
- trackball.C
- Type "make" in the same directory
- Type "./main" to run the program
- You will see a texture mapped plane.
- Left mouse button: Rotation
- Middle mouse button: Zoom in and out
- If you cannot see a plane, then you may have a hardware problem. Please, let the TA know about this (stanv@cs.utexas.edu)
CS 354 Class Page
TA home page