Journal Publications

C. Bajaj, J. Castrillon-Candas, V. Siddavanahalli, Z. Xu
Compressed Representations of Macromolecular Structures and Properties
Structure, Volume 13, Issue 3, March 2005, Pages 463-471, doi:10.1016/j.str.2005.02.004 ,, PMID15766547, PMC Journal in Process (pdf) (abstract)

B. Sohn, C. Bajaj, V. Siddavanahalli
Volumetric Video Compression and Interactive Playback
Computer Vision and Image Understanding, special issue on "Model-based and Image-based 3D Scene Representation for Interactive Visualization", 96(3), Pages 435-452, 2004. (pdf) (abstract)

C. Bajaj, I. Ihm, S. Park
3D RGB Image Compression for Interactive Applications
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 20, 1, (2001), 10-38. (pdf) (ps) (abstract)

C. Bajaj, V. Pascucci, G. Zhuang
Single Resolution Compression of Arbitrary Triangular Meshes with Properties
Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications, Volume 14, Issues 1-3, 30 November 1999, Pages 167-186. (pdf) (ps)

C. Bajaj, D. Schikore
Topology Preserving Data Simplification with Error Bounds
Journal on Computers and Graphics, vol. 22.1, pp. 3-12, 1998. (pdf)

Conference Presentations & Publications

B. Sohn, C. Bajaj, V. Siddavanahalli
Feature Based Volumetric Video Compression for Interactive Playback
Proceedings of IEEE/SIGGRAPH Symposium on Volume Visualization and Graphics, Pages 89-96, 2002, Boston, MA,, PMCID: PMC2805201 (pdf)

C. Bajaj, I. Ihm, S. Park
Visualization-Specific Compression of Large Volume Data
Proc. of Pacific Graphics, pp. 212-222, 2001, Tokyo, Japan, Oct 2001. (pdf) (ps)

C. Bajaj, I. Ihm, S. Park, D. Song
Compression-Based Ray Casting of Very Large Volume Data in Distributed Environments
HPC-Asia 2000, Pages 720-725, Beijing, China, May 2000. (pdf) (ps)

C. Bajaj, V. Pascucci, G. Zhuang
Progressive Compression and Transmission of Arbitrary Triangular Meshes
In Proceedings of the 10th IEEE Visualization 1999 Conference, October 24-29, 1999. San Francisco, CA, pp. 307 - 316. (pdf) (ps)

C. Bajaj, V. Pascucci, G. Zhuang
Single Resolution Compression of Arbitrary Triangular Meshes with Properties
Data Compression Conference 1999. Snowbird, Utah. Pages 247-256. (pdf) (ps)