CS 345H: Programming Languages (Honors) Fall 2022

Lecture 1: Functional Programming; Proofs; ADTs

Let's start by establishing some foundations for our study of programming languages. We'll see how to define programs as mathematical objects, write functions about them, and do some small proofs about these objects.


Reasoning by induction is ubiquitous in programming languages formalism, so we'll start by reviewing proofs by (structural) induction.

Mathematical and strong induction

How do we prove statements that look like "for all natural numbers $n$, $P(n)$ is true"? They're fairly rote: mathematical induction tells us that we need to prove two things:

  1. The base case: prove $P(0)$.
  2. The inductive case: assuming $P(k)$ is true for some $k \in \mathbb{N}$, prove $P(k+1)$ is true. We call the assumption part of this case the inductive hypothesis.

Let's try this out on a simple theorem: for all natural numbers $n$, prove that $n+1 \leq 2^n$.

Base case: $0 + 1 = 1 \leq 2^0 = 1$

Inductive case: suppose that $k + 1 \leq 2^k$ for some $k \in \mathbb{N}$. Then by adding $1$ to both sides, we know $(k + 1) + 1 \leq 2^k + 1$. We also know that $2^k \geq 1$ since $k \in \mathbb{N}$. So we have that: $$ (k + 1) + 1 \leq 2^k + 1 \leq 2^k + 2^k = 2^{k+1}. $$

Induction is a great proof technique because it lets us prove something about infinite cases (all the natural numbers) by only inspecting finitely many cases. This is also what makes it a great tool for reasoning about programs — there are infinitely many programs, but we don't want to look at every single one — but we'll get to that later.

Let's try another theorem: for all positive integers $n$ greater than $1$, $n$ is a product of prime numbers.

Base case: $n = 2$ is a prime number.

Inductive case: Suppose that $k \geq 2$ can be written as $k = p_1p_2 \dots p_m$, where each $p_i$ is prime. Then there are two cases for $k+1$:

  1. If $k+1$ is prime, we're obviously done (and didn't need the inductive hypothesis at all).
  2. Otherwise, $k+1$ is composite, so we know that $k+1 = ab$ where $1 < a, b < k+1$. ... [we're stuck! What we need to be able to do is apply the inductive hypothesis to $a$ and $b$, but we only know it for $k$]

We can get out of this hole by generalizing mathematical induction a little to something called strong induction that gives us a stronger induction hypothesis. A strong induction proof looks like this:

  1. The base case: prove $P(0)$
  2. The inductive case: assuming $P(m)$ is true for every $0 \leq m \leq k$, prove $P(k+1)$ is true.

So now, to fix our proof, we can apply strong induction to get a stronger induction hypothesis.

Inductive case: suppose that every $2 \leq m \leq k$ is a product of primes. Then there are two cases for $k+1$:

  1. If $k+1$ is prime, we're obviously done (no change here).
  2. If $k+1$ is composite, we know that $k+1 = ab$ where $1 < a, b < k+1$. But by the inductive hypothesis, since $a, b \leq k$, we know that $a = a_1a_2\dots a_n$ and $b = b_1b_2 \dots b_l$, where all the $a_i$s and $b_i$s are primes. Therefore $k+1 = a_1a_2\dots a_n b_1b_2 \dots b_l$ is a product of primes.

Structural induction

What's special about the natural numbers that makes induction work here? We can generalize a bit more to structural induction that works on any inductive definition.

An inductive definition (or a recursive definition, or an inductive set) is a set $A$ described by a finite collection of base and inductive cases:

In other words, an inductive definition gives us a way to build up a bigger set from a smaller one — we start with the base cases and then add more elements using the inductive cases.

This is a convenient time to introduce some common programming languages notation. An inference rule is a way of writing these base and inductive cases. Inference rules are written with horizontal lines: everything above the horizontal line is a premise, and the single thing below the line is a conclusion. So we can write our base and inductive cases above like this: $$ \frac{}{a \in A} \texttt{ (base case)} $$

$$ \frac{a_0 \in A \quad \dots \quad a_n \in A}{a \in A} \texttt{ (inductive case)} $$ We'll sometimes call inference rules with no premises axioms, and others inductive rules.

The structural induction principle on a inductive set $A$ is just an induction proof that operates on each inference rule that defines $A$:

Structural induction on the natural numbers

We can tie this new definition back to our induction principles on the natural numbers by observing that the natural numbers are an inductive set, defined by two inference rules:

$$ \frac{}{0 \in \mathbb{N}} \quad \frac{n \in \mathbb{N}}{succ(n) \in \mathbb{N}} $$

Here, $succ(n)$ is the successor of $n$ — the next natural number after $n$. Notice that this definition doesn't mention addition ($n + 1$) at all, because $1$ doesn't exist anywhere in the definition. The way to read this definition is: zero is a natural number, and the successor of a natural number is also a natural number. So:

This axiomatization of the natural numbers is due to Giuseppe Peano, circa 1889, and so is often called the Peano axioms.

Notice now that if you just apply these rules to our definition of the natural numbers, you get back exactly mathematical induction. In other words, mathematical induction is just structural induction on the natural numbers.

We'll try a structural induction proof on the natural numbers in just a moment, but first we need one more concept.

Algebraic data types

So far, we've seen natural numbers in both the mathematical formulation you're used to, and in this new inductive definition style. There's one more lens we can look at them through, and that's as an algebraic data type (ADT).

When we defined the natural numbers with inference rules, we abandoned our usual syntax of labeling them 0, 1, 2, etc. Instead, we wrote them as 0, succ(0), succ(succ(0)), etc. There's some sort of pattern in the syntax here, and in fact we could define the natural numbers using this syntactic pattern.

At some high level, an algebraic data type is like defining a grammar for the syntax of an inductive definition. So for the natural numbers, we can declare an ADT called nat that looks like this:

nat := zero | succ nat

We call zero and succ here constructors. They're not exactly functions—these are purely syntactic constructs—but they do take arguments. zero takes no arguments, which tells us that it's an axiom or a base case—zero is always a natural number. succ takes one argument, which is another natural number.

In other words, we get the same idea we had from the inference rules—zero is a natural number, and the successor of a natural number is also a natural number. So:

(Again, these are not function applications, just syntactic objects—there is no "evaluation" going on here. We'll get to that later.)

Functions on ADTs

ADTs are a nice way to look at inductive sets because they let us easily define functions on the set and then do proofs about those functions.

Notice how our ADT definition of nat (and our inference rule version, too) says nothing about addition, or about any symbols except zero and succ. Of course, the mathematical natural numbers have a rich structure attached to them. But since we're working on the ADT now, we can see how to reconstruct that structure ourselves. Peano did all the hard work for us here, so let's return to his axiomatization.

Here's a simple mathematical definition of addition over natural numbers: $$ add(m, n) = \begin{cases}n & m = 0 \\ succ(add(k, n)) & m = succ(k)\end{cases} $$ We're defining addition as a piecewise function based on the first argument m. If m is zero, then add(m, n) is just n. Otherwise, m must be succ(k) for some natural number k, and we can add them together by first adding k and n, and then taking the succ of that result. In the math syntax we're used to, we're saying: $$ m + n = \begin{cases}n & m = 0 \\ (k + n) + 1 & m = k + 1\end{cases} $$

Let's try writing this same definition again, but this time using the ADT version of natural numbers. We can write the function as a pattern match on the first argument:

add zero     n = n
add (succ k) n = succ (add k n)

What we've done here is define a function called add. We've written the two cases as two separate pieces of the definition. If the first argument is zero, we return the second argument. If the first argument is succ k, we return succ (add k n)—first computing add k n (which means "apply the function add to arguments k and n; you probably write this as add(k, n) in other languages), and then applying the succ constructor to it.

This same pattern works to define any function that takes a nat—we have to define what happens when the argument is zero, and what happens when the argument is succ n. In the succ case, that definition almost certainly refers to n, and it likely recurses too. We call functions like add "total", in that they are defined for every constructor of the nat ADT`.

(Aside: we skipped over any consideration of termination—how do we know our function is well defined and doesn't just keep recursing forever? The intuition is that the recursion is only invoked on arguments of the constructors, and so each recursive call is "getting smaller". This notion is sometimes called "primitive recursion". It's one way—but certainly not the only way—to guarantee termination.)

This is the same as our mathematical formulation, just written as a functional program. We're going to be seeing, and writing, a lot of these definitions in this class. We'll get more hands-on with this sort of functional programming shortly.

Proofs on ADTs

Let's try writing a proof about our new add function. Again, we're reconstructing all the structure we know about for natural numbers, so even obvious things deserve a little pedantry. Let's prove this:

Theorem: For all nats n, add n zero = n.

Just like defining functions on ADTs requires defining them for each constructor, proofs about ADTs require proofs for each constructor. If the definition involves recursion, the proof almost certainly involves induction on the ADT.

Proof: We'll use structural induction on n. There are two constructors, so two cases we need to consider:

  1. (Base case) If n = zero, then add zero zero = zero.
  2. (Inductive case) If n = succ k, then:
    add (succ k) zero = succ (add k zero)
                      = succ k
    where the second step follows from the inductive hypothesis on k.

The big takeaway is this: if the function is defined by recursion, the proof is probably by induction. We're going to see this all the time—many programming languages ideas are defined by recursion, and therefore many programming languages proofs proceed by induction. We're going to get very good at induction!

But! Note that induction is not always necessary for ADTs. Here's a silly example: let's define a "sign" function for natural numbers.

sign zero     = zero
sign (succ n) = succ zero

In other words, the sign of 0 is 0, and the sign of all other natural numbers is 1. Here's an equally silly theorem and proof about sign.

Theorem: for all nats n, sign n is either zero or succ zero.

Proof: by case analysis on n:

  1. If n = zero then sign zero = zero.
  2. If n = succ k for some k, then sign n = sign (succ k) = succ zero.

We didn't need induction here because the function doesn't recurse on the inductive definition. Note that a proof by induction would have worked here, but it would be overkill—the inductive case would never need to use the inductive hypothesis. Instead, a simple case analysis suffices. So the corollary to our "big takeaway" is that proofs follow the structure of the definition—if the definition doesn't use recursion, the proof probably doesn't need induction.

Some other ADTs

Let's keep playing with these ideas, but now on some different ADTs.


Another ADT we see a lot in programming is the list. For now, we'll focus on lists of natural numbers, and later we'll see how we can generalize this idea. A list of natural numbers is just an ADT with two constructors:

list_nat := nil | cons nat list_nat

A list of natural numbers is either "nil" (the empty list) or made by applying the cons constructor to a nat and another list. (The name cons is historical. It comes from Lisp ("LISt Processor"), one of the earliest programming languages, developed by Turing Award winner John McCarthy. It's one of my favorite languages :-)).

So, here are a few lists:

Again, remember that ADTs are just syntactic constructs. There's no evaluation going on here; nil and cons are not functions. We can, however, define functions over lists. Here's one:

length nil        = zero
length (cons n l) = succ (length l)

One thing to notice about this function is that we never use the values of the list—the n in cons n l is never referenced on the right-hand side. That's OK! It tells us that our function only cares about the shape of the list.

Let's define a slightly more complicated function over two lists now:

append nil l2         = l2
append (cons n l1) l2 = cons n (append l1 l2)

This gives us a way to join two lists together by appending them. Check it out:

append (cons 1 (cons 2 nil)) (cons 3 nil) = cons 1 (append (cons 2 nil) (cons 3 nil))
                                          = cons 1 (cons 2 (append nil (cons 3 nil)))
                                          = cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 nil))

Or in other words, [1, 2] ++ [3] = [1, 2, 3], if we write ++ to mean list append.

Here's a small but interesting theorem about the interaction between append and length:

Theorem: For all lists l1 and l2, length (append l1 l2) = add (length l1) (length l2).

Proof: As usual, we're doing a proof about a recursive ADT, so we probably want to do induction, in this case on l1. There's two cases:

  1. (Base case) If l1 = nil, then:

    length (append nil l2) = length l2
    add (length nil) (length l2) = add zero (length l2) = length l2
  2. (Inductive case) If l1 = cons n l1', then starting from the left-hand side:

    LHS = length (append (cons n l1') l2)
        = length (cons n (append l1' l2))   (by definition of append)
        = succ (length (append l1' l2))     (by definition of length)

    Here is where we need to be very pedantic about our induction principle to make progress. Notice that our theorem is quantified over two lists, and we chose to do induction over the first list l1. We can rewrite our theorem like this, adding some parentheses for clarity:

    For all lists l1, (for all lists l2, length (append l1 l2) = add (length l1) (length l2))

    In other words, our inductive hypothesis is also quantified! It says this:

    For all lists l2, length (append l1' l2) = add (length l1') (length l2) Notice that this statement is a property only of l1'.

    So we can continue our proof by applying the inductive hypothesis:

    LHS = succ (length (append l1' l2))
        = succ (add (length l1') (length l2))    (by inductive hypothesos)

    and now, starting from the RHS:

    RHS = add (length (cons n l1')) (length l2)
        = add (succ (length l1')) (length l2)     (by definition of length)
        = succ (add (length l1') (length l2))     (by definition of add)
        = LHS

    and we're done!

Again, the takeaway is that the proof structure follows the data structure, and we'll return to this idea over and over. Another important takeaway here is to be very careful about quantifiers. Many programming languages proofs will involve multiple objects; we need to be precise about which objects we're talking about, inducting over, etc.


Trees are also ADTs. Again, sticking to trees over natural numbers, a (binary) tree is an ADT with two constructors:

tree_nat := leaf | node tree_nat nat tree_nat

This definition is a little funky, so let's break it down:


Let's look at one degenerate case of ADTs, the booleans. There are two constructors for booleans, both of which take no arguments:

bool := true | false

In other words, there's no recursive structure to the booleans, just two base values. We can write this same ADT as inference rules:

$$ \frac{}{true \in bool} \quad \quad \frac{}{false \in bool} $$

Be very careful here: the conclusions of these rules are that the syntactic objects true and false are booleans. It would be wrong to write this:

$$ \frac{}{true} \quad \quad \frac{}{false} $$

which is trying to treat these syntactic objects as propositions. If you read inference rules as implications (a reasonable way to think about them), the first one is obviously valid, and the second one is obviously invalid.

Programs as ADTs

So why have we trudged through all this data structures and discrete math stuff in a programming languages course? Here's the big reveal: programs are just ADTs too!

Let's consider a simple fragment of a language like C or Java. These languages probably accept expressions like these as valid (parts of) programs:

3 + x
y * (3 + x)

but reject expressions like these:

1 + + 2
3 x y

We could formalize this intuition a little (and compilers do formalize this idea) by writing a grammar in Backus-Naur Form. We can define the possible expressions e recursively:

e := n 
   | x 
   | e + e
   | e * e

where $n \in \mathbb{N}$ is a natural number and $x \in S$ is a variable name drawn from some set S we won't define here. What we're saying is that our expressions are either numbers, variables, or the sum or product of two other expressions.

Notice that this grammar looks extremely similar to how we were building ADTs earlier. That's not a coincidence—this language is an ADT! We'll return to this point in just a second.

This grammar is a definition of the syntax of our language. But it has an immediately undesirable property: it's ambiguous. Consider the expression 1 + 2 * 3—does this mean (1 + 2) * 3 or 1 + (2 * 3)?

Dealing with this ambiguity is very tedious in general, and a frequent stumbling block for implementing programming languages. We're going to completely ignore it for this course. Instead, we're going to separate concrete syntax from abstract syntax. It's the job of a parser to translate concrete syntax (a string of characters) into abstract syntax like the ADT we just defined. These ADTs are referred to as abstract syntax trees (ASTs).

We can rewrite our language syntax to be closer to the style of ADTs we were defining earlier by using names and constructors:

expr := number nat
      | variable str
      | addn expr expr
      | mult expr expr

And then it's the job of a parser to convert strings of concrete syntax into ASTs. For example:

We won't talk any more about parsing in this course. Instead, we'll always assume we start from an AST. Parsing is a fascinating topic, though—programming languages people often joke that "parsing is a solved problem", but in fact there's been a ton of really interesting advances in parsing since it was "solved", with ideas like packrat parsing, parser combinators, and parsing with derivatives. It's definitely worth studying more. Consider taking a compilers course!

Syntax and semantics

What does it mean to formalize a programming language? We've just seen that we can define program syntax formally using an ADT, but is that enough? We actually need two things to formalize a programming language:

  1. Syntax defines what programs are—their "shape" or "structure". Syntax is the "what". For the purposes of this course, syntax is given by an abstract syntax tree, which is an ADT.
  2. Semantics defines what programs mean—how they behave, how they evaluate. Semantics are the "how". There are several different ways to define the semantics of a programming language, and we'll be studying them later.

It's important to remember that you need both these things to formalize a programming language, and to remember which one you're working with. To make this point concrete, here are two different programs written as ASTs:

  1. addn (number 1) (number 1)
  2. number 2

These programs are not the same thing! They are not equal. We haven't yet said anything about what programs mean, and so we have no basis to claim they're in any way the same—they are just as different as number 7 and mult (number 4) (number 6) are. Of course, most sensible definitions of what the two programs mean will conclude that they mean the same thing—for example, they both evaluate to the same value. But they are different programs.

The rest of this lecture deals only with syntax; we'll see semantics later.

Functions and proofs over ASTs

Since abstract syntax trees are just ADTs like we've been studying, the common themes apply again. We can define functions over ADTs to talk about syntactic properties of programs.

Let's define the "size" of a program by just counting the number of nodes in its abstract syntax tree:

size (number n)   = 1
size (variable x) = 1
size (addn e1 e2) = 1 + (size e1) + (size e2)
size (mult e1 e2) = 1 + (size e1) + (size e2)

Similarly, we could also define the "height" of a program as the longest path from the root of the AST to any leaf:

height (number n)   = 1
height (variable x) = 1
height (addn e1 e2) = 1 + max (height e1) (height e2)
height (mult e1 e2) = 1 + max (height e1) (height e2)

(From here on I'm going to be eliding some of the tedious details about natural numbers, and particularly the max function. If we were being pedantic—and we will be!—we'd need to define those first.)

Notice that both these functions are only about the syntax of programs; they say nothing about meaning.

Now let's try a proof about these functions to get some more practice with induction.

Theorem: for all expr e, height e <= size e.

Proof: as usual, since these functions are recursive, we'll proceed by induction on e. There are four cases to consider here, though there's a lot of symmetry:

  1. (Base case) if e = number n, then size (number n) = 1 and height (number n) = 1.
  2. (Base case) if e = variable x, then size (variable x) = 1 and height (variable x) = 1.
  3. (Inductive case) if e = addn e1 e2, then:
    height (addn e1 e2)  = 1 + max (height e1) (height e2)
                        <= 1 + max (size e1) (size e2)          (*)
                        <= 1 + (size e1) + (size e2)
                         = size (addn e1 e2)
    where we used two inductive hypotheses at (*)—structural induction gives us one inductive hypothesis for each premise of the relevant inference rule.
  4. (Inductive case) if e = mult e1 e2 the proof is the same as for e = addn e1 e2.

Wrap up

That's it for this lecture! We've reviewed structural induction, introduced algebraic data types, and seen that programs are just ADTs too (and so can be reasoned about with induction proofs).

The most important thing to remember is the symmetry between definition and proof. When trying to decide how to do a proof, follow the structure of the definitions.