Lecture 2: Semantics via Interpreters
In Lecture 1, we learned that any formalization of a programming language has two components:
- Syntax defines what programs are—their "shape" or "structure".
- Semantics defines what programs mean—how they behave, how they evaluate.
We saw that we can represent the syntax of a program as an abstract syntax tree (AST), an algebraic data type that reflects the shape of the program. Syntax is, for our purposes, the "easy" part of defining a programming language—ASTs strip away many of the complexities of modern programming language syntax and leave us with a simple essence. Most compilers use some sort of AST or other intermediate representation to separate syntax from semantics.
This lecture starts our exploration of semantics, the "hard" part of defining a programming language. Broadly speaking, there are three established techniques for defining the semantics of a programming language:
- Denotational semantics defines a program's meaning using mathematical functions
- Operational semantics defines a program's meaning using transitions between states of an abstract machine
- Axiomatic semantics defines a program's meaning in terms of logical assertions satisfied during execution
None of these techniques is the "right one"; they each have pros and cons, and often a formalization will combine more than one of these approaches. We're going to spend the next few weeks studying each of these approaches in some detail. The goal is for you to be able to identify when each model of semantics is useful and to be able to do proofs about all three styles.
This lecture covers denotational semantics, which (in my opinion) is the simplest of the three approaches, but also has the most limitations. Nonetheless, it can be a very useful tool for reasoning about programs, especially those in functional programming languages or that are otherwise recursion-oriented.
An interpreter for expressions
In the last lecture we defined a simple expression language as an ADT. Let's look at an even simpler
version of that expression language that removes Var
s (we'll get back to those shortly):
expr := Const nat
| Plus expr expr
| Times expr expr
We know that syntactically, these two programs are not equal:
Plus (Const 1) (Const 1)
Const 2
But our intuitive semantics for this language should have them evaluate to the same result. Let's see how we can define a semantics that ensures this equivalence.
A denotational semantics for a programming language is a function $D: \mathrm{Syntax} \rightarrow \mathrm{Semantics}$ that takes as input a program syntax (for us, that means an AST) and returns a value (sometimes called a denotation) that the program evaluates to. In other words, a denotational semantics defines meaning as a function over the program's AST, in the same sense as we were defining functions over ADTs in the previous lecture.
For our expr
language, such a function might look like this:
D(e) = \begin{cases}
n & e = \texttt{Const } n \\
D(e_1) + D(e_2) & e = \texttt{Plus } e_1\ e_2 \\
D(e_1) \times D(e_2) & e = \texttt{Times } e_1\ e_2 \\
As with every other function we've defined over an ADT, we define a case for each constructor.
The function recurses to evaluate sub-expressions, and then applies the mathematical $+$ and $\times$ operations when necessary.
Here, our denotations are nat
s, but they could be anything.
In a real language, the denotations would likely have several possible types (numbers, booleans, strings, etc),
and we'll learn about how to keep those straight when we study type theory later in the course.
A semantics like this one is often called an interpreter—it takes as input a program and interprets it to evaluate its meaning. Interpreters are really handy for a bunch of reasons, and are especially well suited to implementation in functional programming languages, as we'll see in the next couple of lectures.
A note on notation: denotational semantics are very common in programming languages, so common that we have a short-hand notation for them using $[\![ \cdot ]\!]$ brackets, like this: $$ \begin{align} [\![ \texttt{Const } n ]\!] &= n \\ [\![ \texttt{Plus } e_1\ e_2 ]\!] &= [\![ e_1 ]\!] + [\![ e_2 ]\!] \\ [\![ \texttt{Times } e_1\ e_2 ]\!] &= [\![ e_1 ]\!] \times [\![ e_2 ]\!] \end{align} $$ We pronounce "$[\![ e ]\!]$" as "the denotation of $e$".
Now we can see that our two programs above, while not syntactically equal, do evaluate to the same thing: $$ \begin{align} [\![ \texttt{Plus (Const 1) (Const 2)} ]\!] &= [\![ \texttt{Const 1} ]\!] + [\![ \texttt{Const 1} ]\!] \\ &= 1 + 1 \\ &= 2 \\ [\![ \texttt{Const 2} ]\!] &= 2 \end{align} $$
Proofs with denotational semantics
Now that we know how to assign programs meaning via a denotational semantics,
we can do proofs about programs, rather than the proofs about program syntax we saw last time.
Let's try a simple one: we know that addition and multiplication are commutative,
so we should be able to flip the arguments to Plus
and Times
operations without changing how the program evaluates.
Here's a function that implements our "flip" operation:
flip (Const n) = Const n
flip (Plus e1 e2) = Plus (flip e2) (flip e1)
flip (Times e1 e2) = Times (flip e2) (flip e1)
We can use the denotational semantics to state and prove our theorem that flip
doesn't affect evaluation:
Theorem: for all expressions $e$, $[\![ e ]\!] = [\![ \texttt{flip}\ e ]\!]$.
Proof: by induction on $e$. There are three cases:
- (Base case for
) By definition offlip
, $[\![ \texttt{flip}\ (\texttt{Const}\ n) ]\!] = [\![ \texttt{Const}\ n ]\!]$. - (Inductive case for
) Suppose that $[\![ e_1 ]\!] = [\![ \texttt{flip}\ e_1 ]\!]$ and likewise for $e_2$. We need to show that $[\![ \texttt{Plus}\ e_1\ e_2 ]\!] = [\![ \texttt{flip}\ (\texttt{Plus}\ e_1\ e_2) ]\!]$. Let's start by manipulating the RHS: $$ \begin{align} RHS = [\![ \texttt{flip}\ (\texttt{Plus}\ e_1\ e_2) ]\!] &= [\![ \texttt{Plus}\ (\texttt{flip}\ e_2)\ (\texttt{flip}\ e_1) ]\!] \\ &= [\![ \texttt{flip}\ e_2 ]\!] + [\![ \texttt{flip}\ e_1 ]\!] \\ &= [\![ e_2 ]\!] + [\![ e_1 ]\!] \\ &= [\![ e_1 ]\!] + [\![ e_2 ]\!] \\ &= [\![ \texttt{Plus}\ e_1\ e_2 ]\!] \\ &= LHS \end{align} $$ where the first line is by the definition offlip
, the second and fifth lines are by the definition of $[\![ \texttt{Plus}\ e_1\ e_2 ]\!]$, the third line is by the inductive hypotheses, and the fourth line is by commutativity of $+$. - (Inductive case for
) This case is identical to thePlus
This is our first real proof about programs and what they mean. Notice how all the tools we've seen so far this semester came together here:
- We used ADTs to define program syntax, so that we didn't have to reason about programs as strings like compilers do
- We used proof by induction to prove a property for every program, not just a few programs
- Denotational semantics gave us a mathematical way to define the behavior of our langauge that was amenable to proofs
Interpreters with state
Let's look at a very different programming language now: a stack machine whose instructions manipulate a stack. This one will require two ADTs, one for instructions and one for programs:
instr := Push nat
| Add
| Multiply
prog := nil
| cons instr prog
Notice that the prog
ADT is just a list of instructions, the same as the list ADT we studied in Lecture 1.
To get a feel for how this machine works,
let's write a program p
that adds 1 and 2 together.
We'll use list syntax to make our lives a little easier here:
p = [Push 1, Push 2, Add]
The two push instructions push constants onto a stack.
The add instruction pops the top two values off the stack,
adds them together, and pushes the result back onto the stack.
So, at the end of this program,
we should have a stack with just one value 3
on it.
To make this definition formal, let's write a denotational semantics, first for our instr
[\![ \texttt{Push } n ]\!](s) &= \texttt{cons}\ n\ s \\
[\![ \texttt{Add} ]\!](\texttt{cons}\ n_1\ \texttt{(cons}\ n_2\ s\texttt{)}) &= \texttt{cons}\ (n_1 + n_2)\ s \\
[\![ \texttt{Multiply} ]\!](\texttt{cons}\ n_1\ \texttt{(cons}\ n_2\ s\texttt{)}) &= \texttt{cons}\ (n_1 \times n_2)\ s \\
Here each denotation is itself a function that transforms a stack—it takes one stack as input and returns a stack reflecting the effect of the instruction.
We are using a list ADT to model stacks.
The Push
semantics just pushes onto the stack using cons
The Add
and Multiply
semantics take the top two elements from the stack,
add or multiply them together,
and push the result back onto the stack.
Notice that we only defined Add
and Multiply
for stacks that have at least two elements on them.
For this discussion it won't matter what we do with cases where this isn't true,
but there are several reasonable choices.
Now we can define the denotational semantics for entire programs:
[\![ \texttt{cons}\ i\ p ]\!](s) &= [\![ p ]\!]([\![ i ]\!](s)) \\
[\![ \texttt{nil} ]\!](s) &= s
What we're doing here is taking the composition of each instruction's effect on the stack.
For example, to run the program p
above, we can start from the empty stack, like this:
[\![ [\texttt{Push}\ 1, \texttt{Push}\ 2, \texttt{Add}] ]\!]([]) &= [\![ [\texttt{Push}\ 2, \texttt{Add}] ]\!]([\![ \texttt{Push}\ 1 ]\!]([])) \\
&= [\![ [\texttt{Push}\ 2, \texttt{Add}] ]\!]([1]) \\
&= [\![ [\texttt{Add}] ]\!]([\![ \texttt{Push}\ 2 ]\!]([1])) \\
&= [\![ [\texttt{Add}] ]\!]([2, 1]) \\
&= [\![ [] ]\!]([\![ \texttt{Add} ]\!]([2, 1])) \\
&= [\![ [] ]\!]([3]) \\
&= [3]
Proofs about compilers
We can use the tools we've developed so far to write a simple compiler
that translates arithmetic expr
s to stack machine prog
Even better: we can use our denotational semantics to prove that compiler correct!
Compilers are incredibly important infrastructure for modern computing,
so being able to give strong guarantess like this is a huge win,
and verified compilers like CompCert are a flagship example of the success of programming languages research.
As always, our compiler is just a function over an ADT,
so we define what happens to each constructor.
Remember that prog
is just the list ADT,
so the right-hand side of our compile
function will be returning lists of instr
compile (Const n) = [Push n]
compile (Plus e1 e2) = compile e2 ++ (compile e1 ++ [Add])
compile (Times e1 e2) = compile e2 ++ (compile e1`` ++ [Times])
where here I'm writing ++
for the append
operation on lists.
Try running this compiler on the expression Plus (Const 1) (Const 2)
to see that it results in the same prog
as the p
example we saw above.
What does it mean for compile
to be correct?
Intuitively, we'd like it to preserve the semantics of the program it compiles.
Using our denotational semantics,
we can formalize that intuition a little:
the original and compiled programs should denote to the same value.
There's a minor catch: the stack language denotations start with and return stacks,
whereas the expression language denotations return values.
We can work around this by just declaring that the top of the stack is the "return value" of a stack program,
and that our execution starts with an empty stack.
In other words, here's our theorem:
Theorem: for all expr
s e
, $[\![ \texttt{compile}\ e ]\!]([]) = [\ [\![ e ]\!]\ ]$.
Proof: by induction on e
. There are three cases:
- (Base case for
) $$ \begin{align} [\![ \texttt{compile}\ (\texttt{Const}\ n) ]\!]([]) &= [\![ [\texttt{Push}\ n] ]\!]([]) \\ &= [\![ [] ]\!]([\![ \texttt{Push}\ n ]\!]([]) ) \\ &= [\![ [] ]\!]( [n] ) \\ &= [n] \\ [\ [\![ \texttt{Const}\ n ]\!]\ ] &= [n] \end{align} $$ - (Inductive case for
) Suppose that $[\![ \texttt{compile}\ e_1 ]\!]([]) = [\ [\![ e_1 ]\!]\ ]$ and similar for $e_2$. We need to show that $[\![ \texttt{compile}\ (\texttt{Plus}\ e_1\ e_2) ]\!]([]) = [\ [\![ \texttt{Plus}\ e_1\ e_2 ]\!]\ ]$. Let's start with the left-hand side: $$ \begin{align} LHS = [\![ \texttt{compile}\ (\texttt{Plus}\ e_1\ e_2) ]\!]([]) &= [\![ \texttt{compile}\ e_1\ \texttt{++}\ (\texttt{compile}\ e_2\ \texttt{++}\ [\texttt{Add}]) ]\!]([]) \\ &= [\![ \texttt{compile}\ e_1\ \texttt{++}\ (\texttt{compile}\ e_2\ \texttt{++}\ [\texttt{Add}]) ]\!]([]) \\ \end{align} $$ But here we're stuck! To make more progress here, we need to be able to apply our inductive hypothesis, but notice that it only talks about $[\![ \texttt{compile}\ e_1 ]\!]([])$, whereas we need to talk about the semantics whencompile e1
has more stuff appended to it. If we look further ahead, we'll see another issue: once the programcompile e1
has executed, we'll have a non-empty stack andcompile e2
to reason about next, but the inductive hypothesis only talks aboutcompile e2
running on empty stacks.
There is actually no way to make this induction work as is! To make progress, we need to strengthen the inductive hypothesis somehow. This is a very common requirement in PL proofs. In this case, we'll need to state and prove a stronger, more complicated lemma relating our two languages. It looks like this:
Lemma: for all expr
s e
, prog
s p
, and stacks s
, $[\![ \texttt{compile}\ e\ \texttt{++}\ p ]\!](s) = [\![ p ]\!](\texttt{cons}\ [\![ e ]\!]\ s)$.
Notice this is a generalization of our original theorem.
In words, it says that running the compiled version of any single expr
on a stack s
and then running the rest of a program p
is the same as evaluating e
and then running p
on the stack s
but with the result of the evaluation on top.
Proof: by induction on e
. There are three cases:
(Base case for
) Letp
be arbitrary. Then: $$ \begin{align} [\![ (\texttt{compile}\ (\texttt{Const}\ n))\ \texttt{++}\ p ]\!](s) &= [\![ [\texttt{Push}\ n]\ \texttt{++}\ p ]\!](s) \\ &= [\![ p ]\!]([\![ \texttt{Push}\ n ]\!](s) ) \\ &= [\![ p ]\!]( \texttt{cons}\ n\ s ) \\ &= [\![ p ]\!]( \texttt{cons}\ [\![ \texttt{Const}\ n ]\!]\ s ) \end{align} $$ -
(Inductive case for
) Suppose that for allp
, $[\![ \texttt{compile}\ e_1\ \texttt{++}\ p ]\!](s) = [\![ p ]\!](\texttt{cons}\ [\![ e_1 ]\!]\ s)$, and similar for $e_2$. (Notice already the difference from our previous attempt: our inductive hypothesis talks about everyp
now).We need to show that $[\![ \texttt{compile}\ (\texttt{Plus}\ e_1\ e_2)\ \texttt{++}\ p ]\!](s) = [\![ p ]\!](\texttt{cons}\ [\![ \texttt{Plus}\ e_1\ e_2 ]\!]\ s)$. Let's start with the left-hand side: $$ \begin{align} LHS &= [\![ \texttt{compile}\ (\texttt{Plus}\ e_1\ e_2)\ \texttt{++}\ p ]\!](s) \\ &= [\![ (\texttt{compile}\ e_1\ \texttt{++}\ (\texttt{compile}\ e_2\ \texttt{++}\ [\texttt{Add}]))\ \texttt{++}\ p ]\!](s) &\textrm{by definition of}\ \texttt{compile}\\ &= [\![ \texttt{compile}\ e_1\ \texttt{++}\ ((\texttt{compile}\ e_2\ \texttt{++}\ [\texttt{Add}])\ \texttt{++}\ p) ]\!](s) &\texttt{++}\ \textrm{is associative}\\ \end{align} $$ Now we can use our inductive hypothesis for $e_1$, because it talks about any
: $$ \begin{align} &= [\![ (\texttt{compile}\ e_2\ \texttt{++}\ [\texttt{Add}])\ \texttt{++}\ p ]\!](\texttt{cons}\ [\![ e_1 ]\!]\ s) &\textrm{by inductive hypothesis}\\ &= [\![ \texttt{compile}\ e_2\ \texttt{++}\ ([\texttt{Add}]\ \texttt{++}\ p) ]\!](\texttt{cons}\ [\![ e_1 ]\!]\ s) &\texttt{++}\ \textrm{is associative}\\ \end{align} $$ And now we use the inductive hypothesis again but for $e_2$. This time it works both because it talks about anyp
and also about anys
: $$ \begin{align} &= [\![ [\texttt{Add}]\ \texttt{++}\ p ]\!](\texttt{cons}\ [\![ e_2 ]\!]\ (\texttt{cons}\ [\![ e_1 ]\!]\ s)) &\texttt{++}\ \textrm{is associative}\\ &= [\![ p ]\!]([\![ \texttt{Add} ]\!] (\texttt{cons}\ [\![ e_2 ]\!]\ (\texttt{cons}\ [\![ e_1 ]\!]\ s))) &\textrm{by semantics of}\ \texttt{prog}\\ &= [\![ p ]\!](\texttt{cons}\ ([\![ e_2 ]\!] + [\![ e_1 ]\!])\ s) &\textrm{by semantics of}\ \texttt{Add}\\ &= [\![ p ]\!](\texttt{cons}\ ([\![ e_1 ]\!] + [\![ e_2 ]\!])\ s) &\textrm{by commutativity of}\ +\\ &= [\![ p ]\!](\texttt{cons}\ [\![ \texttt{Plus}\ e_1\ e_2 ]\!]\ s) &\textrm{by semantics of}\ \texttt{Plus}\\ &= RHS \end{align} $$ and we're done with this case! -
(Inductive case for
) This case works the same way as forPlus
, but using multiplication, which is also commutative.
Phew! That was a long proof for a lemma. We're not done yet, though. Let's restate our original correctness theorem for compile
, and use our new lemma to prove it:
Theorem: for all expr
s e
, $[\![ \texttt{compile}\ e ]\!]([]) = [\ [\![ e ]\!]\ ]$.
Proof: let e
be an arbitrary expr
. Then:
LHS = [\![ \texttt{compile}\ e ]\!]([]) &= [\![ \texttt{compile}\ e\ \texttt{++}\ [] ]\!]([]) &\textrm{since}\ \texttt{l ++ [] = l} \
Now we can set $p = []$ and $s = []$, and then our lemma applies, giving us:
[\![ \texttt{compile}\ e\ \texttt{++}\ [] ]\!]([]) &= [\![ [] ]\!](\texttt{cons}\ [\![ e ]\!]\ []) &\textrm{by lemma} \\
&= \texttt{cons}\ [\![ e ]\!]\ [] &\textrm{by semantics of}\ \texttt{prog} \\
&= [\ [\![ e ]\!]\ ] &\textrm{syntactic sugar for lists}
and we're done!
Notice that when proving our final theorem, we no longer needed to use induction—the helper lemma did the induction for us, and the correctness theorem "fell out" of that lemma after a little manipulation into the right form. This is, again, a very common pattern in PL proofs. We proved a stronger property that was inductive, and then specialized that property to the theorem we actually wanted to prove.
Interpreters in practice
While we're studying interpreters as mathematical objects that give languages a semantics, they are also a common way to implement programming languages. For example, Python is implemented as an interpreter of a bytecode language not too dissimilar from our stack machine language.
To see how this works, consider this small Python program:
def foo(x, y):
if x > 10:
return x + y
return x * y
foo(2, 5)
If we save this program as foo.py
, we can run python -m dis foo.py
to see the stack language representation of the program:
1 0 LOAD_CONST 0 (<code object foo at 0x100dc5bb0, file "foo.py", line 1>)
2 LOAD_CONST 1 ('foo')
6 STORE_NAME 0 (foo)
7 8 LOAD_NAME 0 (foo)
10 LOAD_CONST 2 (2)
12 LOAD_CONST 3 (5)
18 LOAD_CONST 4 (None)
Disassembly of <code object foo at 0x100dc5bb0, file "foo.py", line 1>:
2 0 LOAD_FAST 0 (x)
2 LOAD_CONST 1 (10)
4 COMPARE_OP 4 (>)
6 POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE 8 (to 16)
3 8 LOAD_FAST 0 (x)
10 LOAD_FAST 1 (y)
5 >> 16 LOAD_FAST 0 (x)
18 LOAD_FAST 1 (y)
The first block here creates the foo
function as a pointer to a code object that is defined later in the output.
The second block makes the function call to foo
by pushing the two arguments onto the stack,
calling the function,
and popping the return value off the stack.
The interesting stuff is in the foo
code object.
The first block implements the comparison—the COMPARE_OP
pushes the result of its comparison onto the stack as a boolean,
instruction pops that value and, if it's false, jumps down to instruction 16.
The two later blocks implement the two sides of the branch.
In each case, we push two arguments x
and y
onto the stack,
and then run BINARY_ADD
which pop the top two elements from the stack and push the result,
just as the Add
and Multiply
instructions in our language did.
Obviously, Python's interpreter is far more sophisticated than ours, and in particular, the canonical implementation assigns C code to each instruction rather than a mathematical function. But the idea is the same: an interpreter takes as input program syntax and interprets it to produce a result. This is the essence of a denotational semantics as opposed to the other types of semantics we'll study in this course.
(If you're curious about how the Python interpreter works, I like this chapter from the book 500 Lines or Less that builds a small Python bytecode interpreter in Python).
Where interpreters break down
While denotational semantics give us simple mathematical tools to reason about programs,
they sometimes lead to complex or even impossible semantics. Let's see an example of this by trying
to add two new features to our language: support for variables and for control flow via while
We'll do this by defining a new language for commands, but first we need to add variables back to our expression language:
expr := Const nat
| Var str
| Plus expr expr
| Times expr expr
Here we're adding a base case Var
expression that contains the variable name.
To give the semantics for this language, we now need a notion of maps that assign each variable name to a value. Let's write such a map as a function $v(x)$ that takes a variable name $x$ as input and returns a value. We'll assume here that every variable name has a value (i.e., $v$ is a total function), but that's just to make our semantics a little easier.
Now we can write the denotational semantics for expr
s like this:
[\![ \texttt{Const } n ]\!](v) &= n \\
[\![ \texttt{Var } x ]\!](v) &= v(x) \\
[\![ \texttt{Plus } e_1\ e_2 ]\!](v) &= [\![ e_1 ]\!](v) + [\![ e_2 ]\!](v) \\
[\![ \texttt{Times } e_1\ e_2 ]\!](v) &= [\![ e_1 ]\!](v) \times [\![ e_2 ]\!](v)
Here the semantics takes as input the variable map, just like our stack language semantics took stacks as input. You might sometimes also see this written as $[\![ \cdot ]\!]v$ or $[\![ \cdot ]\!]_v$, but they all mean the same thing. This extra argument seems a bit tedious right now, as the map is always the same, but it will change when we add assignment to the language in a moment.
Now let's define a very simple command language that uses our expr
s to do something slightly richer:
cmd := var <- expr
| while expr do cmd done
This is a language of statements rather than expressions.
A command can either be an assignment of an expression to a variable (var <- expr
or a while loop that runs a cmd
until an expression returns 0
(but remember that "until 0", like everything else, is a semantics choice on our part; it's not implied by the syntax alone).
Let's try to write down some denotational semantics for this command language. The semantics will be a transformer over variable maps; that is, it will both take as input and return variable maps. The assignment case is simple enough: $$ \begin{align} [\![ x \texttt{ <- } e ]\!](v) &= v[x \mapsto [\![ e ]\!](v)] \\ \end{align} $$ Here, we're writing $v[x \mapsto a]$ to mean the map update operation on $v$—returning a map where $x$ is mapped to value $a$ and otherwise returns the same value as $v$ would.
Loops are trickier. The semantics we want is that the loop keeps running until the expression returns 0 (since we don't have booleans in our language). We can try to write that down like this: $$ \begin{align} [\![ \texttt{while } e \texttt{ do } c \texttt{ done} ]\!](v) &= \begin{cases} v & \textrm{if } [\![ e ]\!](v) = 0 \\ [\![ \texttt{while } e \texttt{ do } c \texttt{ done} ]\!]([\![ c ]\!](v)) & \textrm{otherwise} \end{cases} \end{align} $$ But now we have a problem—this isn't really a "definition", since it expresses the semantics of the while loop in terms of itself. This is actually a recursive equation, and we know from math that recursive equations don't always have a solution!
The core of the problem here is termination, and it's a fairly fundamental issue for denotational
semantics. It's not impossible to solve; the idea would be to define the semantics of while
as a fixed point
of the recursive equation, and then prove (via the Kleene fixed-point theorem)
that this fixed point exists for the cmd
language. But this is incredibly tedious and makes our
semantics very difficult to use. It's especially tedious in Coq, which requires all functions to terminate.
So we aren't going to look at it any further.
The takeaway here is that, while denotational semantics are great, they have downsides, especially when dealing with non-terminating programs (and also with non-deterministic programs, which we haven't looked at yet). To deal with these sorts of programs, we will turn instead to operational semantics in the next few lectures.