Professor Emeritus, Computer Science and Philosophy, University of Texas at Austin. 2008-
(Note: The UT Department of Computer Sciences has changed its name to Computer Science, singular.)
Professor in Computer Sciences, Mathematics, and Philosophy Departments
University of Texas at Austin, 1981-2008.
Senior Computing Research Scientist, Fall 1993 - Spring 1995,
Computational Logic, Inc.
Austin, Texas
Senior Member of Technical Staff, 1985-1987
Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation
Artificial Intelligence Program
Austin, Texas
Associate Professor, 1981-1985
Computer Sciences Department,
University of Texas at Austin
Staff Scientist, 1981
Senior Research Mathematician, 1979-81
Research Mathematician, 1973-78
Computer Science Laboratory
SRI International
Menlo Park, California
Research Fellow, 1971-73
Department of Computational Logic
University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland
Research Assistant, 1970-71
Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass.
Teaching Assistant, 1967-70
Department of Mathematics
University of Texas, Austin, Texas