Unfortunately for her, the rating of her Dreamhouse, and thus the success of her party, is dependent on a cleanliness score, which is constantly at risk thanks to guests who decide on a whim whether they want to behave.
In this exercise, you will implement this Dreamhouse class, and hope for the best for our friend Barbie!
import random class Dreamhouse: def __init__(self, owner = "Barbie"): """ Initializes a Dreamhouse object with an owner (default is "Barbie"). Sets up the house's attributes such as owner, room count, blocked guest, party size, cleanliness, and two room slots. """ pass def getCleanliness(self): """ Returns the current cleanliness level of the Dreamhouse (an integer between 0 and 100). """ pass def getOwner(self): """ Returns the name of the current owner of the Dreamhouse. """ pass def setOwner(self, newOwner = "Barbie"): """ Sets a new owner for the Dreamhouse (default is "Barbie"). """ pass def setBlock(self, newBlock): """ Sets a blocked guest who is not allowed to enter the Dreamhouse. """ pass def __str__(self): """ Returns a string representation of the Dreamhouse, including the owner's name, cleanliness rating, party size, and details of the two rooms. The cleanliness contributes to the overall dreamhouse rating. """ pass def enter(self, name): """ Increases the party size by 1 when a guest enters the house. If the guest is blocked, they are not allowed to enter, and a message is printed. """ pass def evict(self, name): """ Evicts a guest, reduces the party size by 1, and adjusts the cleanliness based on how clean or messy the guest was (randomly decided between -25 to 25). """ pass def addRoom(self, roomName): """ Adds a new room to the Dreamhouse. There are only two room slots available, so if both rooms are already taken, no new rooms can be added. The addition of a room increases the Dreamhouse's rating by 1 star. """ pass def crashParty(self, numKen): """ Simulates Kens crashing the party. For each Ken, the method enters and then evicts them. """ pass
>>> from Dreamhouse.py import * >>> myCrib = Dreamhouse() >>> print(myCrib) ** Barbie's Dreamhouse ** ========================= Rating: 2.91 / 5.00 Party Size: 0 Room 1: None Room 2: None ========================= >>> myCrib.getCleanliness() 97 >>> myCrib.enter("Midge") Midge came to the party! >>> myCrib.enter("Nicki Minaj") Nicki Minaj came to the party! >>> myCrib.evict("Midge") Midge has overstayed their welcome. Bye-bye! Midge was a clean guest! 5 added to cleanliness. >>> myCrib.evict("Nicki Minaj") Nicki Minaj has overstayed their welcome. Bye-bye! Ugh! Nicki Minaj left behind a mess. 13 subtracted from cleanliness. >>> print(myCrib) ** Barbie's Dreamhouse ** ========================= Rating: 2.61 / 5.00 Party Size: 0 Room 1: None Room 2: None ========================= >>> myCrib.setOwner("Billie") print(myCrib) ** Billie's Dreamhouse ** ========================= Rating: 2.61 / 5.00 Party Size: 0 Room 1: None Room 2: None ========================= >>> myCrib.addRoom("Jacuzzi") >>> myCrib.addRoom("Arcade") >>> myCrib.enter("Kim Kardashian") Kim Kardashian came to the party! >>> print(myCrib) ** Billie's Dreamhouse ** ========================= Rating: 4.61 / 5.00 Party Size: 1 Room 1: Jacuzzi Room 2: Arcade ========================= >>> myCrib.getOwner() 'Billie' >>> myCrib.setOwner() >>> myCrib.setBlock("Cardi B.") >>> myCrib.enter("Cardi B.") Cardi B. is on the premise. Police have been called. >>> myCrib.crashParty(2) Oh no! Kens are crashing the party! Ken came to the party! Ken has overstayed their welcome. Bye-bye! Ugh! Ken left behind a mess. 8 subtracted from cleanliness. Ken came to the party! Ken has overstayed their welcome. Bye-bye! Ken was a clean guest! 7 added to cleanliness. >>> myCrib.setBlock("Ken") >>> myCrib.crashParty(3) Oh no! Kens are crashing the party! They broke through the block! Ken came to the party! Ken has overstayed their welcome. Bye-bye! Ugh! Ken left behind a mess. 1 subtracted from cleanliness. Ken came to the party! Ken has overstayed their welcome. Bye-bye! Ken was a clean guest! 22 added to cleanliness. Ken came to the party! Ken has overstayed their welcome. Bye-bye! Ugh! Ken left behind a mess. 14 subtracted from cleanliness. >>> print(myCrib) ** Barbie's Dreamhouse ** ========================= Rating: 4.58 / 5.00 Party Size: 1 Room 1: Jacuzzi Room 2: Arcade ========================= >>>
# Exercise: Guest Star 1 # File: Dreamhouse.py # Student: # UT EID: # Course Name: CS303E # # Date Created: # Description of Program: