CS378 Assignment 1
Due: Friday, Feb. 6 at class time; bring a hard copy to
class (send it electronically if you won't be in class).
Note you can work with one other student on this project. If you
so, be sure to identify both members of the team and include a
sentence explaining the contributions of each.
Consider the various definitions/characterizations of Information
Assurance given in the first part of slideset 1. Write your own
definition of Information Assurance. Explain how your definition
relates to or encompasses the following:
- the ISO/IEC aspects of software quality (slide 5);
- Raggad's conceptual resources (slide 8);
- the DoD aspects of information needing protection (slide 11);
- Herrmann's security engineering domains (slide2 13ff).
There is no page limit, but I'd guess that this shouldn't take more
than about 3 pages. Use the information from the slides; you don't
have to read (or cite) the source documents behind these.
Grading Information:
This and subsequent writing assignments
will be graded on the following criteria:
- Did you do the assignment as specified?
- Did you give it adequate thought and care?
- Is your argument well reasoned and supported by evidence?
- Is the document formatted reasonably? (It's better short than
- Are references cited correctly?
- Is the writing style acceptable?
We're not grading on grammar or spelling, but you should make a
credible effort to write in a style worthy of a student at a top-tier