C Compiler Infrastructure

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Path Member List

This is the complete list of members for Path, including all inherited members.

_dbPath [private]
_depthPath [private]
_dominates_exitPath [private]
_dominatorLocation [protected]
_kindLocation [protected]
_num_childrenLocation [protected]
_parentPath [private]
_subtree_idLocation [protected]
_tree_maxLocation [protected]
_tree_minLocation [protected]
adjust_depth()=0Location [pure virtual]
AlwaysPath [private, static]
always()Path [inline, static]
BasicBlock enum valueLocation
block_countLocation [static]
current_subtree_idLocation [protected, static]
current_tree_numberLocation [protected, static]
decrement_children()Location [inline]
depth() const Path [inline]
dom_callsLocation [static]
dominates(const Location *dom, const Location *cur)Location [static]
dominates_exit() const Path [inline]
dominator() const Location [inline]
increment_children()Location [inline]
is_always() const Path [inline]
is_prefix(const Location *prefix, const Location *longer)Location [static]
is_proc_present(procNode *proc) const Path
is_recursive() const Path
kind() const Location [inline]
Location(Location *parent, LocationKind kind)Location
LocationKind enum nameLocation
next_tree_number()Location [inline, protected, static]
num_children() const Location [inline]
operator<<(ostream &o, const Path &c)Path [friend]
Location::operator<<(ostream &o, const Location &loc)Location [friend]
parent() const Path [inline]
Path()Path [private]
Path(PathDB *db, const Path *parent, procNode *callee)Path
Path(PathDB *db, const Path *parent, procNode *callee, basicblockNode *block)Path
Path(PathDB *db, const Path *parent, const Location &loc)Path
Path(const Path &other)Path
PathDB classPath [friend]
print(ostream &o) const =0Location [pure virtual]
print_deep(ostream &o) const Path [inline]
print_path(ostream &o) const =0Location [pure virtual]
print_shallow(ostream &o) const Path [inline]
proc_countLocation [static]
Procedure enum valueLocation
procedure(Location *where)Location [static]
set_dominator(Location *d)Location
set_tree_max(unsigned int m)Location [inline]
set_tree_min(unsigned int m)Location [inline]
Statement enum valueLocation
stats()Location [static]
stmt_countLocation [static]
strictly_dominates(const Location *dom, const Location *cur)Location [static]
subtree_id() const Location [inline]
tree_max() const Location [inline]
tree_min() const Location [inline]
~Location()Location [virtual]

Generated on February 1, 2006
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