Spring 1999 Distinguished Lectures in Computer Architecture Series

Location and time:

The series

Speakers in the UT-Austin Distinguished Lectures in Computer Architecture Series were invited to give talks based on their contributions to computer architecture research and industry. Speakers were chosen and invited by unanimous vote of the organizing committee. The Distinguished Series is co-scheduled with the regular UT Computer Architecture Seminar, in which we also have many speakers who have made substantial contributions to computer architecture. Support for the Spring 1999 Distinguished Lectures in Computer Architecture Series was provided by IBM-Austin. We gratefully acknowledge and thank them for making this series possible.


Date Speaker Title Slides/Papers
March 1 Mark McDermott
Director, Texas Development Center
Intel Corporation
UT Distinguished Lecture in Computer Architecture Series
How are we going to design a 400 Million transistor chip?
March 22 Glenn Henry
President and CEO
Centaur Technologies
UT Distinguished Lecture in Computer Architecture Series
Barriers & Solutions to High-performance x86 Processing
April 5 Joel Emer
Compaq Alpha Development Group
UT Distinguished Lecture in Computer Architecture Series
A Language for Describing Predictors and Its Use to Automatically Synthesize Them
Guessing with Darwin's Help
April 19 Susan Eggers
University of Washington
UT Distinguished Lecture in Computer Architecture Series
Managing Thread-Shared Hardware Resources on Simultaneous Multithreaded Processors
April 26 John Shen
Carnegie-Mellon University
UT Distinguished Lecture in Computer Architecture Series
Replenishing the Microarchitecture Treasure Chest

This seminar series is organized jointly by the Departments of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Computer Sciences at the University of Texas at Austin.

Last modified by dburger@cs.utexas.edu
Wed Feb 3 07:19:20 CDT 1999