Planning Outline

This document is planning for the story

Chuck Garcia

Chatper One

what it i want to say?

The following is a simplified pyramid that corresponds to Romeo and Juliet.

Exposition: We meet the main character’s John and Era

Inciting incident: Romeo and Juliet meet at the Capulet’s dinner party.

Rising Action: Romeo and Juliet pursue their forbidden romance. Romeo and Juliet meet again after Juliet learns she is to marry Paris. Romeo and Juliet makry in secret. Juliet must find a way to escape Verona with Romeo before she is betrothed to Paris.

Climax: Romeo kills Paris, and then himself, when he wrongfully believes Juliet to be dead. When Juliet finds that both men have died, she also kills herself.

Falling Action: The two warring families agree to settle their disputes. j

Resolution: A brief exploration of the value and hardship of youth, love, and the cruelness of fate.

Chapters Outline

  1. Trumpets of Mercy
    • We meet our main character.
    • John is set on the quest to solve his ‘Jason Bourne’ esque mystery.
    • Along the way, we meet a girl who is a foil to John.
      • As a story device, she acts as the force that drives the story forward.
  2. Phenomenality
    • John discovers he is in a simulation.
    • Through some means, he is given the option to turn off the simulation.
      • Unplugging the simulation means John and everyone in that universe will cease to exist.
    • Our hero is faced with a dilemma to either end the sim or not.
  3. Ego
    • John decides to turn off the simulation.
      • Unexpectedly, ‘shutting down the simulation’ doesn’t really end it, instead, it triggers a reset for John, taking him back to the start of the narrative.
    • We are lead to believe this occurs indefinitely

Questions to Consider

Why John?

Why is John the one who is experiencing this? Is John the ‘center’ of this universe? I would like to think that he is not.

Well first of I suppose theres the idea that the individual(s) responsible for this simulation could be trying to run some sort of experiment.