Cache Review

Chuck Garcia

Cache Review


Cache Functionality and Purpose

Cache memory is a small but fast type of system memory that is situated closely to the processor and inside the die. Caches are a solution to optimizing execution time by reducing the time it takes to fulfill a memory request.

Cache Miss Types - 3 C’s

There are three types of cache misses: Compulsory, conflict, and capacity.

Compulsory Miss

A compulsory miss is a miss that occurs when trying to access data for the first time. It can be thought of as being part of the startup time for some algorithm or process.

Conflict Miss

A conflict miss occurs when a block is needed which existed in the cache before, but was evicted in favor of another block that had to be mapped to the same slot.

Capacity Miss

A capacity miss occurs when the cache has no capacity left. [^pandoc] [^pandoc]: {-} [Note] The difference between conflict and compulsory is that a conflict miss may occur when the cache still may otherwise have capacity to retain data elements. It is the folly of the selected method of organization, not limited capacity.

Cache Misses

The time required to service a cache miss is dependent upon the bandwidth and latency of the system.

As a result of misses in cache, execution of instructions must be stalled until the data is made available.

Average Memory Access Time (AMAT) Equation

Let h be the hit rate, m the miss rate, t_m be the time it takes to service a miss, and t_h be the time it takes to service a hit.

Intuitively, the average cost for moving data into the registers is the average number of times we have a hit multiplied by the time it takes to retrieve it from cache, plus the average number of misses multiplied by the time it takes to service the miss, plus the time it took to check if it was a hit.

Formulaically, this is:
AMAT = h * t_h + m * (t_m + t_h)

But we know that h = 1 - m. So:
AMAT = (1 - m) * t_h + m * (t_m + t_h)
AMAT = t_h - m * t_h + m * t_h + m * t_m
AMAT = t_h - m * t_m

Cache Organization

Where a Block is Found

When indexing into the cache for a single byte, the address identifies where in the cache to look for it.

The number of bits used to identify which set leaves us with three different possible cases for cache organization: N-way set associative, direct mapped, and fully associative.

Direct Mapped

In direct mapped caches, the number of bits used for the tag are zero, and the number of bits for the set is the upper and middle. Pros:

Fully Associative

In fully associative caches, the set bits are none and the upper and middle bits are used only for the tag. The result of this is that cache lines can be placed anywhere in the cache. Cons:

N-Way Set Associative

N-way set associative caches use a combination of direct mapping and fully associative mapping. The middle bits of the address determine the set, and the upper bits determine the tag. Each set can hold up to N cache lines, allowing for more flexibility in placement compared to direct mapped caches.

How a block is found:

To find a block in cache, we first index into the correct set, and search for a tag mach.