Computer Sciences 323E


Elements of Scientific Computing


Instructor:       A. K. Cline


Time:              T - Th 9:30-11


Place:              WRW 113


Unique Number: 52010


Prerequisite:   C S 303E, M 408C, 408D, and 340L with a grade of at least C in each or permission of instructor.


Grading:         Homework 30%, Midterm Exam 30%, Final Exam 40%


Textbook:       Gerald Recktenwald: Numerical Methods with Matlab: Implementation and Application, Prentice Hall.  (Optionally students should consider obtaining: The Student Edition of MATLAB)


Office:             3.104A Taylor Hall




Office Hours: Th 11-12, F 11-12, and by appointment


Teaching Assistant: Aniket Murarka




Office Hours:             To be announced


Course Outline:


1.      Introduction to scientific computing


2.      Basics of MATLAB


3.      Floating point number systems

·       Errors in representation and arithmetic

·       Cancellation error


4.      Interpolation

·       General, linear and nonlinear

·       Spline


5.      Integration

·       Polynomial based rules

·       Composite rules

·       Automatic and adaptive quadrature

·       Extrapolation


6.      Linear systems of equations

·       Gaussian elimination

·       Matrix condition


7.      Nonlinear equations and Optimization

·       Root finding

·       Minimizing with one variable

·       Minimizing with several variables

·       Systems of non-linear equations


8.      Initial Value Problems of ordinary differential equations

·       Runge-Kutta methods

·       Multistep methods