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Doctoral Consortia

This page lists a wide variety of doctoral consortia that may be of interest to the doctoral student interested in CS education. The doctoral consortium held in conjunction with the annual SIGCSE Technical Symposium was designed for doctoral students whose research area is CS education (although those in other research areas are also welcome). One of the other doctoral consortia is intended for doctoral students in the "learning sciences", while all of the others are more specifically oriented toward doctoral students whose research is in a technical computing area.

The consortia are listed in alphabetical order by the name of the conference. Where found, a general URL is given to a general page that summarizes all instances; otherwise, pointers to specific instances are included in order to give a starting point.

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ACIS Doctoral Consortium (Australasian Conference on Information Systems)

ACM SIGART/AAAI Doctoral Consortium

ACM SIGART/IJCAI Doctoral Consortium (Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence and The International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence)

ACM SIGCHI Doctoral Consortium

ACM SIGCSE Doctoral Consortium

  • Intended for doctoral students in areas related to computing education, as well as for students in technical computing areas who wish to pursue a career in academia

CAiSE Doctoral Consortium (Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering)

  • Brings together PhD students within the information systems engineering field to present and to discuss their research in a constructive and international atmosphere. The participants include prominent professors in the field of information systems, who actively participate and contribute to the discussions.
  • 1998 instance: 5th Doctoral Consortium, Pisa, Italy, 8-9 June 1998

Hypertext Doctoral Consortium

  • Goals: Improve the quality of research done in the Hypermedia field and encourage Ph.D students to actively participate in the field after completing their dissertations.
  • 1998 instance: Pittsburgh, PA USA, June 20-24, 1998

ICLS Doctoral Consortium (The International Conference on the Learning Sciences)

ICSE Doctoral Consortium(International Conference on Software Engineering)

ICIS Doctoral Consortium (International Conference on Information Systems)

PACIS (The Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems)

User Modeling

Page prepared by Vicki L. Almstrum.Department of Computer Sciences at UT Austin
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