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1998 SIGCSE Doctoral Consortium

Consortium Coordinators

Dr. Marian Petre, The Open University,
Dr. Vicki L. Almstrum, The University of Texas at Austin,

Discussion Leaders

About the Doctoral Consortium

The Doctoral Consortium was a new event for the SIGCSE Technical Symposium. It took place on Wednesday, February 25, the day before the Technical Symposium began. The aims of the Doctoral Consortium were:

  • To offer a friendly forum for students to discuss their work and receive constructive feedback.
  • To offer relevant information on issues important to doctoral candidates.
  • To nurture a community of researchers.

The Consortium was designed for Ph.D. students in any area of Computing who plan to have a career in academia. All participants gave short presentations of their research ideas or ongoing research. Small group discussions, a round-table discussion, and presentations by specialists in the field allowed participants to exchange ideas, explore relevant issues, discuss strategies for completion, and prepare for the challenges of an effective career in higher education. Doctoral Consortium participants registered for the Technical Symposium and partook in other conference activities.

You can view the page about the Doctoral Consortium that appeared in the conference proceedings (in pdf format).
If you do not already have a copy, you can download a free copy of Acrobat Reader.

Summary of advice and points from the event.

Papers by Participants in 1998 SIGCSE Doctoral Consortium

The order of the participants is alphabetical by last name. Several of the papers are available on-line, as indicated by the availability of the links. You can email an individual by clicking on their name.

Anders Berglund A Study of Non-traditional Examination Forms and Their Effects on Student Learning (html) Uppsala Universitet
Christina Bjorkman Gender Issues in Computer Science Education (html) Uppsala Universitet
Maciej Brodowicz Efficient Implementation of the MPI-IO System for Distributed Memory Multiprocessors (pdf) University of Houston
Mats Daniels Evaluating International Multi-Institutional Collaborative Work in Computing Education (html) Uppsala Universitet
Gyorgi Hernadi Cooperative Run-time Systems: DSM and RPC Scheduler (pdf) University of Houston
Brian Hopkins A Discourse Analysis of Typical University CS/IS Program Documentation in the U.K (pdf) Anglia Polytechnic University
Lisa Kaczmarczyk Learning Styles and Multiculturalism-The Need to Combine Forces in the Computer Science Classroom (pdf) Chemeketa Community College
Mary Last Virtual Teams in Computing Education (pdf) Grand Valley State University
Jeff Matocha Mobile Computing and Networking (pdf) University of Alabama
Eng Huat Ng Software Reusability and Its Application to Interactive Multimedia Learning Systems (pdf) John Moores University
Ntsibane S Ntlatlapa High-Level Synthesis Using Dependence Flow Graphs as the Intermediate Representation (pdf) Auburn University
Randy Smith An Effort Estimation Model for Component Based Software Development (pdf) University of Alabama
Cynthia Thompson Machine Learning Applied to Natural Language Processing: The Acquisition of the Lexicon (pdf) University of Texas at Austin
Laurie Williams Object Oriented Software Engineering Meets Cleanroom Software Engineering (html) University of Utah


Page prepared by Vicki L. Almstrum.Department of Computer Sciences at UT Austin
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