images/DC.jpg (40016 bytes)

Activities during the
1999 SIGCSE Doctoral Consortium

March 24, 1999
New Orleans, LA

The images you see on this page are thumbnails.
Click on an image to see a larger version.

Photographs taken by Fintan Culwin and Vicki Almstrum.

Sorting it all out!

During the morning, Sally Fincher set the participants to work at sorting themselves into chronological order according to how near to / far from completing their degrees they were.

Stretching the body and mind

Sally Fincher preparing the group for an exercise break.

Discussions and ideas

Marian Petre leading discussion during the day

Afternoon break with the Board

The afternoon break presented an opportunity for the DC participants to mingle with the SIGCSE Board.

Photographs and the youngest attendee

Vicki Almstrum as photographer, with assistance from daughter Alicia

Page prepared by Vicki L. Almstrum.Department of Computer Sciences at UT Austin
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