Marian's Ten Top Tips for Research Students
- Read, read, read. Seasoned researchers typically have an evolving
'reference set' of around 100-150 papers that forms the core of the relevant
literature in their specialty, and with which they are conversant. Students
need to read enough to form an initial reference set.
- Write, write, write.
- Writing is a skill that requires practice. The more you write, the
easier it gets.
- You should aim to write up as you go; this will both make it easier
at the end (when you re-write it all) and give you something to show people
who are interested in your work.
- Don't throw writing away; date it and store it in an 'out-takes' file;
that material can be useful.
- Revising is often easier than writing new.
- Keep an annotated bibliography. This is the single most powerful
research tool you can give yourself. It should be a personal tool, including
both all the usual bibliographic information, and also the date when you
read the paper and notes on what you found interesting / seminal / infuriating
/ etc. about it.
- Form an 'informal committee'. Try to find a small set of reliable,
interested people who are willing to read for you, comment on ideas, bring
literature to your attention, introduce you to other researchers, and so
on. They may be specialists who can provide expertise on which you can
draw, or generalists who ask tough questions.
- Expose your work. Make your work public in technical reports,
research seminars, conference papers. The best way to get information is
to share information; if people understand what your ideas are, they can
respond to them. Making your work public exposes you to questions and criticism
early (when it can do you some good), helps you to 'network' and gather
leads, and gives you practice articulating your reasoning.
- So what? Learn to ask the other questions. Students often get
a result and forget to take the next step. "Look, I got a correlation!"
"So what?" Learn to go beyond your initial question, learn to
invert the question in order to expose other perspectives, and learn to
look for alternative explanations.
- Never hide from your supervisor. 'Hiding' is a pathological
behaviour in which most research students indulge at some point. Communicating
with your supervisor is pre-requisite to getting the most out of your supervisor.
- Always make back-ups (and keep a set off-site). More than one
student has had to start writing from scratch or to repeat empirical work
because he or she neglected this most basic of disciplines.
- Read at least one completed dissertation cover-to-cover. Reading
something that has 'passed' is an excellent way to reflect on dissertation
structure, content, and style - and on 'what it takes'.
- A doctorate is pass / fail. Part of the process is learning
when 'enough is enough'.
Page maintained by Vicki
L. Almstrum. Department of Computer
Sciences at UT Austin
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