0) Each WG member rereads the proposed framework of this working
group at
1) By May 12:
- Each WG member posts an introduction to this mailing list,
including a position statement (perhaps the one from your
1) By May 14:
- WG agreement on general guidelines for AB role.
- Nomination of AB members from all WG members.
2) By May 16:
- WG finalizes the framework and plan of action.
- Vicki posts the revised framework and plan of action.
- AB kick-off (their list will be iticse-fmadv@lists.cc.utexas.edu)
3) By May 19:
- All contribute to a preliminary list of relevant software
and a
template of information we hope to generate about each candidate
- WG members submit plans for articles and/or mini research
and circulate them to WG + AB (for information, but comments
- AG members commit to how they propose to contribute.
4) By May 26:
- WG members discuss general plans (taking into account AB
comments) to
ensure nothing vital is missed and to avoid duplication of
5) Throughout June:
- WG and AB members post progress reports to both WG and to
for comments/suggestions.
6) By June 30:
- Articles from WG and AB members submitted by 30 June for
"publication" and preliminary discussion amongst
WG members.
7) By July 7:
- Documentation for Helsinki meeting and final agenda prepared.
- Preliminary plan for the poster presentation about our
group's work.
8) July 10-14:
- WG meets to draft report.
9) July 15-August 3
- Reviews of report by WG and AB members
- Vicki and Neville drive the revision process.
10) August 4
- Report finalized