Randy Katz UC Berkeley Spring 1996
Jean-Loup Baer U. Washington Winter 1997
Susan Eggers U. Washington Fall 1996
Mark Hill U Wisconsin
Fall 1997
James Smith U Wisconsin
Fall 1997
Mark Hill U Wisconsin
Spring 1998
SimpleScalar simulator Includes precompiled versions of SPEC for the simpleScalar machine
Rice RSIM (Vijay Pai, Parthasarathy Ranganathan and Sarita Adve)
lmbench system-level microbenchmarks
Etch Traces (User-level traces of Windows NT Applications)
New Mexico State Univ Trace Database
WARTS: Wisconsin Architectural Research Tool Set (QPT and QPT2 profiling and tracing,CPROF cache performance, Tycho and dinero III cache simulation, EEL executable file editor, Fast Cache memory system simulator)
Etch: x86 performance evaluation
Instruction-level Simulation and Tracing
Simulation model of the HP 97560 disk drive
At UT, the shade tools for tracing sun programs are available /at u/oops/src/shade/,
and EEL tools are available at /u/oops/src/EEL-
Silicon Graphics and MIPS
14th IEEE Symposium on Mass Storage Systems
Supercomputing '95
Supercomputing 96
Supercomputing 97
HOT Chips 8 August
HOTChips10 Aug 1998