Guidelines for leading discussions

Leading a technical discussion is an important skill for a researcher. To practice this skill as well as deepen the class's understanding of the major topics, each student will work as part of a small team to lead a class discussion on a paper.

Here is how it will work. I will post a list of papers on my door. Sign up (with about 2 other people) to lead the discussion on one of those papers. For each of four main topics in the class (ILP, memory, I/O, parallel systems), we will devote a lecture to student-led discussions. In each of those lectures, two teams of students will present their papers. Everyone in the class is expected to read both papers before coming to class.

For leading the discussion, you have an obligation to the rest of the class to do a good job. I am therefore requiring you to spend some time and effort preparing for your class. Half of your group's grade for leading the discussion will be for the plan and half will be for the class, itself.

At the lecture before the lecture you will give, your team should turn in a class plan. The class plan should have three parts:
