CS 395T: Web Operating Systems
MW 4:30-6:00 Mike Dahlin
Most of these papers are available on line. I will make the rest available.
Internet Basics (Not covered in class)
D. Clark "The Design Philosophy of the DARPA Internet Protocols" SIGCOMM88
Computer Communication Review Vol. 19, No. 4 Aug 1988 pp 106-114.
Hendrick "Introduction to the Internet Protocols" 1987.
Uri Raz's collection
of tcp/ip resources
RFC 1883 (IP Version 6)
Case for IPv6
V. Paxon "End-to-end
Routing Behavior in the Internet" ACM SIGCOMM96 Aug 96.
Mathis, Jeffrey Semke, Jamshid Mahdavi, and Teunis Ott, "The Macroscopic
Behavior of the Congestion Avoidance Algorithm",Computer Communications
Review, volume 27, number 3, July 1997.
RFC 793 (TCP)
Jacobson, V."Congestion avoidance and control" (SIGCOMM '88 Symposium:
Communications Architectures and Protocols, Stanford, CA, USA, 16-19 Aug.
1988). Computer Communication Review, Aug. 1988, vol.18, (no.4):314-29.
TCP Dynamics in Real Networks Mogul
P. Mockapetris and K. Dunlap "Development of the Domain Name System" Proc.
SIGCOMM 88 Computer Communications Review Vol 18 No 4 Aug. 1988 pp. 123-133.
Dynamic DNS: rfc
2136 and
Jeff Mogul "The Case for Persistent-Connection HTTP" SIGCOMM95 p299-313
V. Padmanabhan and J. Mogul "Improving
HTTP Latency"
- Performance
Interactions Between P-HTTP and TCP Implementations
B. Callaghan "WebNFS:
The File System for the World Wide Web" Sun White Paper May 1996.
H. Eriksson "MBone: The Multicast Backbone" CACM Aug1994 v37 pp 54--60
Internet topology
another real-time networking paper? Ask Harrick. or perhaps uiuc "vosaic"
System model
Question: What is the right model for supporting Internet applications
of the future?
1/28 M. Lewis, A. Grimshaw, "The
Core Legion Object Model." Fifth IEEE International Symposium
on High Performance Distributed Computing, August 1996.
1/28 I. Foster, C. Kesselman, "Globus:
A Metacomputing Infrastructure Toolkit." International Journal
of Supercomputer Applications.
2/2 M. van Steen, P. Homburg, and A.S. Tanenbaum. "The
Architectural Design of Globe: A Wide-Area Distributed System." Technical
Report IR-422, March 1997.
2/4 Ulana Legcdza, David Wetherall, and John Guttag, Improving
the Performance of Distributed Applications Using Active Networks,
and SANE (Penn)
CANES: composable
active network elemeents (GaTech)
ANTS: A Toolkit for Building and Dynamically Deploying Network Protocols
Netscript (Columbia)
- Genesis (Columbia)
- Smart Packets (BBN)
- Protocol boosters (Penn, Bellcore)
Ninja project (Berkeley)
Infospheres (Cal Tech)
A Framework
for Active Distributed Services by Ramesh Govindan, Cengiz Alaettinoglu,
Deborah Estrin
Dartmouth agents (kotz)
MASH (berkeley)
Directory Service (NDS)
2/9 J. Hartman, U. Manber, L. Peterson, and T. Proebsting, "Liquid
Software: A New Paradigm for Networked Systems." Technical Report
96-11, Department of Computer Science, University of Arizona (June 1996)
For more depth
Henri Casanova and Jack Dongarra. NetSolve:
A Network Server for Solving Computational Science Problems
B. Christiansen, P. Cappello, M. F. Ionescu, M. O. Neary, K. E. Schauser,
and D. Wu Javelin:
Internet-Based Parallel Computing Using Java. 1997 ACM Workshop on
Java for Science and Engineering Computation, June 1997.
Lucent Corp., An Overview of Plan 10. Inferno
Summary, and Inferno
JavaSpaces, Javasoft.
Draves et al., "Operating
System Directions for the Next Millennium"
D. Tennenhouse and D. Wetherall "Towards
an Active Network Architecture" Computer Communication Review.
Question: How should we translate from virtual names to physical addresses?
How do we find objects or services or users in the Internet if they migrate?
2/11 P. Mockapetris and K. Dunlap "Development of the Domain Name System"
Proc. SIGCOMM 88 Computer Communications Review Vol 18 No 4 Aug. 1988 pp.
2/16 Ron Daniel and Michael Mealling. Resolution
of Uniform Resource Identifiers using the Domain Name System. RFC 2168
June 1997.
2/18 M. van Steen, F.J. Hauck, P. Homburg, and A.S. Tanenbaum. "Locating
Objects in Wide-Area Systems." To appear in IEEE Communications Magazine,
January 1998.
Characteristics of Mirror Servers on the Internet by Andy Myers, Peter
Dinda, and Hui Zhang
Fei, Z., Bhattacharjee, S., Zegura, E. W., Ammar, M. H., ``A
Novel Server Selection Technique for Improving the Response Time of a Replicated
Service,'' Proceedings of INFOCOM 98, March/April 1998, San Francisco,
CISCO distributed director
2/23 J. D. Guyton and M. F. Schwartz, "Locating
Nearby Copies of Replicated Internet Servers", In Proceedings of ACM
SIGCOMM'95, 1995.
C. Yoshikawa, B. Chun, P. Eastham, A. Vahdat, T. Anderson, and D. Culler.
``Using Smart Clients to Build Scalable Services.'' Proc. of the 1997 USENIX
Conference, Jan. 1997.
For more depth:
Butler Lampson. Designing a Global Name Service. Proceedings of the Fifth
Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing, pages 1-10,
August 1986.
Center for Networked Information Discovery and Retrieval. The
Whois++ Directory Service Testbed.
M.D. Schroeder, A.D. Birrell, and R.M. Needham. Experience with Grapevine:
The Growth of a Distributed System. ACM Transactions on Computer Systems,
Vol. 2, No. 1 (Feb 1984), pp. 3-23
B. Clifford Neuman. The Prospero File System: A global file system based
on the Virtual System Model. Computing Systems, 5(4):407-432, Fall 1992.
Steven Breitstein. Inferno
Edward Slottow. Engineering
a Global Resolution Service, Nov. 1996.
C. Partridge, T. Mendez, and W. Milliken. Host
Anycasting Service http://andrew2.andrew.cmu.edu/rfc/rfc1546.html
A Directory
Service for Configuring High-Performance Distributed Computations.
S. Fitzgerald, I. Foster, C. Kesselman, G. von Laszewski, W. Smith, and
S. Tuecke, Proc. 6th IEEE Symp. on High-Performance Distributed Computing
Communication, Persistence, and Caching
Question: How do we coordinate the activities of a geographically distributed
application? What if the application needs to update persistent state?
Adaptive Web
Caching: Towards a New Global Caching Architecture Scott Michel, Khoi
Nguyen, Adam Rosenstein and Lixia Zhang
Manley, S., Courage., M., Seltzer., M A
Self-Scaling and Self-Configuring Benchmark for Web Servers
The Measured Access
Characteristics of World-Wide-Web Client Proxy Servers. B.M. Duska,
D. Marwood, M.J. Feeley. In Proceedings of the USENIX Symposium on Internet
Technologies and Systems, December 1997.
Design Issues for Internet Middleware Services: Deductions from a Large
Client Trace Steven D. Gribble and Eric A. Brewer, Proceedngs
of the 1997 USENIX Symposium on Internet Technologies and Systems, Monterey,
CA, December 1997
For more depth
Caching and Zipf-like Distributions: Evidence and Implications, Lee
Breslau, Pei Cao, Li Fan, Graham Phillips and Scott Shenker.
M. Arlitt and C. Williamson
Server Workload Characterization: The Search for Invariants, 1996 ACM
SIGMETRICS Conference on the Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems,
Philadelphia, PA, May 23-26, 1996.
Manley, S., Seltzer., M., Web
Facts and Fantasy Proceedings of the 1997 USENIX Symposium on Internet
Technologies and Systems, Monterey, CA, December 1997.
M. Spasojevic and M. Satyanarayanan. A
Usage Profile and Evaluation of a Wide-Area Distributed File System.
Proceedings of the USENIX Winter Technical Conference, Jan. 1994.
Updates and Consistency
H. Eriksson "MBone: The Multicast Backbone" CACM Aug1994 v37 pp 54--60
J. Yin, L. Alvisi, M. Dahlin, and C. Lin "Using leases to support cache
consistency in large-scale systems" In review.
Peter Danzig, Dante DeLucia, and Katia Obraczka. Massively
Replicating Services in Wide-Area Internetworks. University of Southern
D. Terry and M. Theimer and K. Petersen and A. Demers and M. Spreitzer
and C. Hauser Managing
Update Conflicts in Bayou, a Weakly Connected Replicated Storage System".
For more depth
Gwertzman, J., Seltzer, M. "World-Wide
Web Cache Consistency" Proceedings of the 1996 Usenix Technical Conference,
San Diego, CA January 1996.
J. Kistler and M. Satyanarayanan "Disconnected Operation in the Coda File
System" ACM Transactions on Computer Systems. Feb. 1992, Vol. 10, No. 1,
pp. 3-25.
Maintaining Strong
Cache Consistency in the World-Wide Web Chengjie Liu and Pei Cao,
Lazy Consistency
Using Loosely Synchronized Clocks In Proceedings of the ACM Symposium
on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC '97), Santa Barbara, CA, August
1997 Atul Adya, Barbara Liskov
Brian M. Oki, Manfred Pflug, Alex Siegel, and Dale Skeen. The Information
Bus - An Architecture for Extensible Distributed Systems. SOSP 1993, 58-68.
590s, Nov. 7:
Cache hierarchy
Davison's Web-Caching Bibliography
Anawat Chankhunthod, Peter B. Danzig, Chuck Neerdaels, Michael F. Schwartz
and Kurt J. Worrell. "A
Hierarchical Internet Object Cache." USENIX '96.
Floyd, Jacobson, Zhang, "Adaptive
Web Caching", Cache Workshop '97. And here is Van Jacobson's talk "How
to kill the Internet"
Ramón Cáceres, Fred Douglis, Anja Feldmann, Gideon Glass,
and Michael Rabinovich. Web
proxy caching: the devil is in the details. In Workshop on Internet
Server Performance (WISP'98), Madison, WI, June 1998.
Tewari, Dahlin, Vin, Kay, Beyond
Hierarchies: Design Principles for Distributed Caching on the Internet
For more depth
Prefetching/push caching
Other information
Question: How do we create a service that is available to everyone in
the world 24 hours a day, 7 days a week?
For more depth
T. Haerder and A. Reuter "Principles of Transaction-Oriented Database Recovery"
ACM Computing Surveys 15(4):287--318 1983.
Resource Allocation
Question: How do we allocate resources among competing needs, whether
those be CPU cycles to run agents for end users or geographically distributed
Internet services? How do we find idle resources if they exist?
For more depth
End-station issues/Scalable servers
For more depth
Access control and sandboxing
For more depth
Workloads and infrastructure
Question: How do we make sure what we build works before it gets deployed?
How do we deploy what we build?
Dec. 8: L. Brakmo and L. Peterson. "Experiences with
Network Simulation." SIGMETRICS '96 (June 1996).
Dec. 10: James Hu, Sumedh Mungee, and Douglas Schmidt, "Techniques
for Developing and Measuring High-performance Web Servers over ATM Networks",
Washington University technical report #WUCS-97-09, submitted to INFOCOM
'98, August, 1997.
Manley, S., Courage., M., Seltzer., M A
Self-Scaling and Self-Configuring Benchmark for Web Servers
Traffic Archive