Outreach / Dana Moshkovitz




Talk to LASA (Magnet high school) Computer Science club, Austin, TX, 2024.

Rising Stars in EECS workshop, co-chair, UT Austin, 2022.

Science activity on the traveling salesperson problem in Mandolina pre-k/k, Tel-Aviv, Israel, 2018.

Saturday Morning Math Group (SMMG), UT Austin, talk to junior high school students, 2017.

Indeed Inc. public talk about probabilistic checking of proofs, 2017.

National Youth Science Camp, presentation, 2016.

6.00x Introduction to Computer Science and Programming EdX course, mini-lecture.


The Tale of The PCP Theorem - How the search for the limits of computing led to the discovery of the unexpected power of proofs, popular article for the ACM student magazine XRDS, 2012.


Algebraic Construction of Projection PCPs, SIGACT Complexity Column, 2012.

Rising Stars in EECS, MIT, 2012, panelist.

MSRP – MIT’s Summer Program for minorities, 2012.

Sidney-Pacific GWAMIT lecture, 2012.

HKN women outreach event, research presentation, 2011.

MIT EECS Job Panel, 2010, 2011.

Women In Theory Workshop, Princeton, 2010.