argument (or arguments, if there is more than
one). When the function begins execution, the variable-like identifier(s)
it uses (a in this case) is(are) called the parameter(s).
We are said to pass arguments to functions.
Call By Value
C functions have the call by value property. This means that
when you pass a variable to a function, the value of the variable
is passed, not the variable itself. So if you change the value of a parameter
in a function, the original argument remains unchanged. For example,
let's look at a function that computes the square of an integer, then
returns it:
int square (int i) {
i = i * i;
return i;
and now let's use this function to find the square of some number:
int main () {
int a, b;
a = 10;
b = square (a);
printf ("%i\n", b);
What is the value of a at the end of this program? It is still
10, even though the value of i at the end of the square
function is 100 (10 squared). b, of course, is 100, having been
assigned the return value of square.
Properties of Functions
You can do anything in a C function that you can in main; main
itself is just another C function, it just happens to be the first one
executed when Unix runs your C program. Functions in C are not as restricted
as their mathematical counterparts; they can print things and affect
the program's state in other ways, and they don't have to return a value.
If a function is intended to compute and return a value, it should be
idempotent; that means it always returns the same value given
the same parameters and should not change the program state by printing
something out or changing other variables. This is not a rule of C,
it's just a good idea so that our functions don't go around doing things
without us knowing; it is sometimes appropriate to break this rule.
A function that is intended to do something like print something or
change values of variables, but not compute any value to return, may
be given a return type of void, meaning "doesn't return anything."
Functions are also often used to break up a C program into smaller
components. You wouldn't want a huge program to be all in main;
it would be hard to follow the concepts because of all the details
(can't see the forest for the trees). Functions can be contained in
separate files and compiled separately from one another, so if a
single function in a huge program is changed, we need not recompile the
whole program, just that one function.
Function definitions or declarations must appear before they are first used.
A function declaration without a definition (using a semicolon instead
of a body contained in curly braces) can let the compiler know that the
function exists somewhere so the compiler will compile code using that
function properly. If you look in stdio.h, for example,
you'll see a lot of these function declarations (it's usually in
/usr/include/stdio.h). The functions aren't defined there;
they're in some library somewhere else, but these declarations inform
the compiler of their existence.
More C Functions
Here are some examples of C functions.
This function finds the absolute value of its float parameter.
There's already a function in math.h called fabs
that does this, but that takes all the fun out of doing it yourself:
float absolute (float f) {
if (f < 0)
return -f;
return f;
The factorial of a non-negative integer n is
the product of all the integers from 1 to n, usually written
n!. The factorial of 0 is defined as 1. This C function
computes n! and works for 0:
int factorial (int n) {
int i, product;
product = 1;
for (i=1; i<=n; i++) product = product * i;
return product;
Now that we have this function, we can use it anywhere just like we would
sin or sqrt, except we would use it on ints
instead of floats.
Now let's look at that predicate that returns 1 if and only if its
integer parameter is a prime number:
int is_prime (int n) {
int i;
for (i=2; i<n; i++) if (n % i == 0) return 0;
return 1;
Notice how if a factor of n is ever found, we immediately
return from the function with a value of false (0), and return
true (1) only if we made it all the way though the for loop.
We can use this function to write a C program that prints the prime
numbers from 2 through 100:
int main () {
int i;
for (i=2; i<=100; i++) if (is_prime (i)) printf ("%i\n", i);
exit (0);
You might notice that the variable name i is declared in
both is_prime and in main. Each time through
the for loop in main, the other i is
changed. This is OK; they are two different variables. A variable
declared inside a function, also known as a local variable,
only exists inside that function. If the same name is used in a different
function, it's a different variable and is unrelated to the other variable,
like two different people with the same first name.
Now let's look at a function whose purpose is not to compute something
but to print something. It won't return anything, so we'll declare it
as returning void. It doesn't need any parameters, so we'll
leave the parameter list empty (we can also stick the word void
in there if we want to):
void print_prompt (void) {
printf ("Please enter a number: ");
This function simply prints a prompt and returns. It can be used by
main or some other function as a prelude to a scanf.
We can go one more step, actually reading in a number and returning it:
float get_number (void) {
float f;
printf ("Please enter a number: ");
scanf ("%f", &f);
return f;
We can use this function somewhere we need to get a number from the
user, just by assigning a variable like this:
int main () {
float x;
x = get_number ();
printf ("You entered %f\n", x);
exit (0);
Extra for Experts
Here's another definition for the factorial function:
int factorial (int n) {
if (n == 0) return 1;
return n * factorial (n-1);
This takes advantage of the fact that n! is the same as
n times (n-1)!, and that the factorial of 0 is 1.
This is an example of a recursive function that is defined in
terms of itself; they key to understanding it is that each "copy" of
it that is called has a different value and different memory location
for its version of the parameter n. Recursion is a powerful
technique; often, using a recursive function cuts down on the code
and reduces the complexity of a problem. We'll see more recursive
functions in the future...