typedef struct _instruction { int type, /* type of instruction */ addr1, /* first address */ addr2, /* second address */ data; /* data for the instruction */ } instruction;You will read the file named on the command line into an array of these structs. The files will be binary files, not suitable for reading with fscanf() or fgets(); you must use fread() to read the records into the array. These files are actually programs in our CPU's machine language. The first field, type, indicates the type of instruction to be executed. For instance, if type is 7, then the instruction is a "multiply" instruction. The second and third fields, addr1 and addr2, are "addresses." These are usually indices into the memory array, but in some special cases they will be indices into the instruction array. The last field, data, is used to hold miscellaneous information a particular instruction might need. Here is a table of all the instructions in our simple CPU. Each instruction is given by
type Value | Mnemonic | Description |
0 | NOP | No Operation; just does nothing |
1 | STORE_CONST | Store constant: memory[addr1] = data |
2 | MOVE | Move memory: memory[addr1] = memory[addr2] |
3 | MOVEID | Move memory indirect to direct: memory[memory[addr1]] = memory[addr2] |
4 | MOVEDI | Move memory direct to indirect: memory[addr1] = memory[memory[addr2]] |
5 | ADD_CONST | Add constant: memory[addr1] += data |
6 | ADD | Add: memory[addr1] += memory[addr2] |
7 | MUL | Multiply: memory[addr1] *= memory[addr2] |
8 | DIV | Divide: memory[addr1] /= memory[addr2] |
9 | MOD | Modulus (i.e., remainder): memory[addr1] %= memory[addr2] |
10 | OUTPUT | Convert memory[addr1] to char and print to standard output. putchar(memory[addr1]) will do this. |
11 | COMPARE | Compare memory[addr1] to memory[addr2];
if memory[addr1] < memory[addr2] then memory[addr1] = -1; if memory[addr1] > memory[addr2] then memory[addr1] = 1; if memory[addr1] is equal to memory[addr2] then memory[addr1] = 0. Note that this destroys one of the items being compared, and that's okay. |
12 | JUMP | "Jump" to another instruction; Program Counter = addr1 |
13 | COND_JUMP | Conditional Jump: if memory[addr1] is equal to data, then Program Counter = addr2; otherwise, continue as usual. |
14 | STOREPC | Store Program Counter to memory: memory[addr1] = Program Counter |
15 | LOADPC | Load Program Counter from memory: Program Counter = memory[addr1] |
99 | HALT | Halt; stop execution of instructions. |
There are sample programs for you to run on runner in the directory ~djimenez/cs1713. They are stored in our CPU's machine language in the struct format described above. You can click on the name of each program to see a listing of its instructions. This is not the format your program should read, rather, an aid to help you see what is contained in the binary files. You will notice that most of the instructions are STORE_CONST and OUTPUT; this is because printing a string to the screen involves long sequences of these. It bears repeating that If your program is using things like fscanf() and strcmp() then it's not doing the right thing; you need to use fread() to read in binary data into structs. The links below are something for you to read, while the actual binary files they represent are elsewhere on runner.
testing instructions... jump seems to work; nop seems to work; move and cond_jump seem to work; add_const seems to work; mul seems to work; assuming add, div, and mod work, too; storepc seems to work; loadpc seems to work; done.Otherwise it will fail at one of those instructions and halt with a message.
An executable has been placed on runner in ~djimenez/bin/sim; it is my version of the simulator. You can use it to run those sample programs and see what the output is supposed to look like.
If you develop your program on a little endian machine using an Intel
processor such as the i486, Pentium, etc., then the binary files on runner
won't work for you until you run your program on runner. Let me know and I'll
make some little endian versions of these files. Macintosh (e.g., CodeWarrior)
and SGI users should be OK; let me know if there any problems.
Turn in your program by e-mailing it to the instructor. Write up your
observations of the behavior of your program on the four input files, and
post this with your weekly progress report.
This assignment is due Monday, April 28 1997 at midnight.