#define KEY_SIZE 4 typedef char key[KEY_SIZE+1];Write a function beginning with:
void sort (key v[], int n) {that will sort the keys in ascending alphabetical order.
On runner in ~djimenez/cs1723/sorts there are some files:
Makefile mysort.c sorts.c sorts.hMake a directory called sorts in your account and copy all of these files into that directory. Modify your copy of mysort.c to contain your sorting code (currently, it calls qsort; get rid of that part). When you type make, the Makefile provided will compile your code and link it with sorts.c to make a program called sorts that will test and grade your code.
Do not modify sorts.c, only mysort.c. The program sorts accepts a command line parameter that is either the word "-grade" or an integer less than or equal to 150,000.
If you give sorts an integer, it will tests your code for a randomly generated array of that size and compare the time it takes against the time qsort/strcmp takes. The -grade option tests your code against qsort for ten rounds of sorting different sized arrays and assigns a grade based on how well your sort did against qsort. You can examine the source code to see the details of the grading, but basically you get 5 points for doing as well as qsort, and anywhere up to 15 points for sorting up to 0.75 seconds faster than qsort.
CFLAGS = -gso that gcc will compile debugging information into your program. Change this to
CFLAGS = -Oto turn on compiler optimizations. Type make clean to get rid of old object files compiled with -g, then make again to compile with optimizations. Then type make turnin; this will run your function through 10 sets of data of increasing size, and use the times computed to assign a grade. Then your results and a copy of your mysort.c will be mailed to the instructor. Only do this once; to get an estimate of your grade before you are finished, just run sorts -grade.
If your program fails to compile or to sort properly, you will not be able to send the instructor a grade for this assignment, so make sure it works!
Note: compiling with optimizations can sometimes expose subtle bugs in your program that would not turn up with -g. You should try running your program with -O in the Makefile well before you intend to turn it in, in case one of these bugs manifests itself and you have to go fix it. You don't have to use -O, but optimization can only increase your grade.
It should go without saying that you shouldn't modify sorts.c or do anything else to artificially give yourself a better grade.
If you have any problems with this program, please contact the instructor. Don't wait until the last minute to begin this program.
This program is due by midnight, Tuesday July 28, 1998.