Algorithm of your Choice
For this assignment, you are to report on an interesting and nontrivial
algorithm of your choice. There are three parts to this assignment:
- Find an algorithm you think is interesting. You may look for your
algorithm on the Internet, in a book, journal article, conference proceedings,
etc. The algorithm should be something you haven't seen in this class or
in Data Structures. Send me ( an e-mail message with a brief
description of the algorithm and where you found it. I'll respond, letting
you know whether your choice is OK. If it isn't, I'll give you suggestions
on how you might improve your topic or find another one. I'd really like
to see you pick an algorithm related to your particular computer science
interests, if possible. This e-mail assignment is due Tuesday,
April 7, 1998 by midnight.
- Submit an article to our class newsgroup,
utsa.cs.3343.d , describing your
algorithm. Depending on the algorithm, you may wish to emphasize the
methods used, implementation details, analysis, applications or any combination
of these. Your report may be as long as you wish, but should be at least
two screenfulls on a VT100 terminal single-spaced, or about 50 lines.
You may include pseudocode for the algorithm, but don't include the length
of the pseudocode in the 50 lines; I really want to see what you
have to say about the algorithm. Make the first few lines of your report
an abstract, giving the basic idea of what you are writing. At the end
of your report, give a bibliography citing your sources (you should
have at least one). If the reference is a web site, give the URL,
name of the page, and name of the author.
This newsgroup assignment is due Tuesday, April 14, 1998 by midnight.
- Read everyone elses' reports from the newsgroup. You will see some of
the facts from these reports as True/False questions on the final exam.
You don't need to remember all the details, but you should be familiar with
the main ideas.
Here are some ideas to get you started:
- Graphics algorithms. For example, finding the convex hull of a
set of points, shading algorithms, algorithms traversing weird representations
of polygons, etc.
- Genetic algorithms. These algorithms try to find optimal solutions
to problems by imitating evolution.
- Searching algorithms. For example, exhaustive search of a space using
minimax, searching with pruning, depth or breadth first search that use
domain knowledge to speed up the search, extensions to B-trees or other
searching data structures, etc.
- Math algorithms. For example, algorithms to speed up matrix operations, algorithms
for symbolically manipulating mathematical expressions,
the latest integer factorization algorithms, algorithms for generating
pseudorandom numbers, etc. (some of this might overlap stuff we do in
class; I'll let you know...)
- Algorithms for systems (as opposed to appplications).
For example, process scheduling in a multitasking operating system,
register allocation for compilers, paging algorithms for virtual
memory systems, memory allocation (e.g. malloc()) algorithms, etc.
- Approximation algorithms for solving "hard" problems, i.e., situations
where solving a problem exactly is impracticle, but a solution that is
"pretty good" or "almost right" will do. For example, the travelling
salesman problem.
- Exact algorithms for solving "hard" problems, i.e., algorithms that
do better than "brute force" but still take a long time to finish.
For example, the travelling salesman again: it can be solved in n!
time, but there is another algorithm that can do it in
n2n; still pretty bad, but better than
factorial time.
- Algorithms that run on impossible or weird hardware. For example,
algorithms running on quantum computers, nondeterministic machines, DNA
computers, optical computers, oracle machines.
- Algorithms to do signal processing, e.g., image processing,
sound (music) processing, compression of signals.
- Randomized algorithms. These are algorithms that use a source of
random (or pseudorandom) numbers and can often have better running
times than traditional algorithms for the same problems. For example,
numerical integration in two or more variables is difficult or impossible
without a randomized "Monte-Carlo" algorithm.
Good places to look for information about algorithms are:
The AltaVista search engine.
Type in words related to your algorithm (e.g. minimal spanning tree)
and get links to lots of web pages with information.
The DejaNews newsgroup archive.
Search for keywords related to your algorithm and see every Usenet article
that has been written on the subject since about 1995 (you'll have to choose
the "old" database for best results).
- NCSTRL at Cornell.
This is a goldmine of computer science technical reports you can search
and download from universities all over the world. Some of the articles
are only available as optically recognized text (i.e., bad quality) or
PostScript level 2 images (i.e., enormous files), but many are available
as normal PostScript files you can print or view from the Suns with
The UTSA Libraries.
You can click on it, but it's more productive to just go over to the JPL
and start looking through computer science journals. Any journal
with IEEE or ACM in its title is likely to have something that can give
you ideas. Check out the QA76 section in the stacks, too, for computer
science books. (Southwest Texas State University and UT Austin have very
good CS collections in their libraries if you want to take a trip.)