Problem: CIRCUIT-SATSince we know that any problem in NP is polynomial reducible to CIRCUIT-SAT, we can prove any other problem D is NP-complete by showing
Instance: An acylcic (i.e., no cycles), directed graph G whose nodes are logic functions: AND, OR, or NOT, or logical variables. The graph represents a combinatorial logic circuit with n inputs and 1 output.
Question: Is there any assignment to the n input variables that will cause the output to become True?
Let's look at another problem:
Problem: 3-CNF-SAT Instance: A set of m clauses of length at most 3 over n Boolean variables. The clauses are sets of literals, i.e., a variable or its complement (negation). Question: If we take the Boolean OR of the literals in each clause, and then take the Boolean AND of all the clauses, is there any assignment to the n variables such that the result is True (i.e., all the clauses are simultaneously True)?CNF stands for Conjunctive Normal Form, which simply describes the clause-set representation of Boolean formulas. Here is an example of a formula in 3-CNF-SAT; variables are shown as integers, and the NOT operation is shown as a minus sign:
2 -3 1 -3 -2 5 -5 3 2 -4 -2 3 1 -4 -2Each line is a clause, and the whole clause-set is a formula in 3-CNF-SAT. The interpretation of this clause-set as a Boolean formula is this:
(2 OR NOT 3 OR 1) AND (NOT 3 OR NOT 2 OR 5) AND (NOT 5 OR 3 OR 2) AND (NOT 4 OR NOT 2 OR 3) AND (1 OR NOT 4 OR NOT 2)Is this formula a member of 3-CNF-SAT? To show that it is, we need a certificate consisting of a truth assignment that "satisfies" (i.e., makes true) the formula. One assignment to the variables is this:
1 = True, 2 = False, 3 = True, 4 = False, 5 = FalseThis is a satisfying assignment because all of the clauses are simultaneously true:
(2 OR NOT 3 OR 1) = (False OR NOT True OR True) = True (NOT 3 OR NOT 2 OR 5) = (NOT True OR NOT False OR False) = True (NOT 5 OR 3 OR 2) = (NOT False OR True OR False) = True (NOT 4 OR NOT 2 OR 3) = (NOT False OR NOT False OR True) = True (1 OR NOT 4 OR NOT 2) = (True OR NOT False OR NOT False) = TrueYou can imagine a simple algorithm running in time O(m) (i.e., linear in the size of the formula) that checks whether an assignment satisfies a formula.
You can see that this is a very restricted instance of CIRCUIT-SAT; just replace the word "formula" with "circuit" and place logic gates everywhere there is a logical operator. It may be somewhat surprising that it goes the other way around; 3-CNF-SAT is just as hard as CIRCUIT-SAT because there is a polynomial reduction such that CIRCUIT-SAT <p 3-CNF-SAT.
Theorem: 3-CNF-SAT is NP-complete.
Clearly, 3-CNF-SAT is in NP; we just use a satisfying assignment as the
linear-time verifiable certificate. So we just need to show
From a circuit C made up of gates AND, OR, and NOT, and input variables in a set { 1 .. n}, we will construct a 3-CNF formula F that is satisfiable if and only if F is satisfiable. The construction goes as follows:
c d (d OR c) (NOT d OR NOT c) ((d OR c) AND (d OR NOT c)) d == NOT c - - -------- ---------------- --------------------------- ---------- F F F T F F F T T T T T T F T T T T T T T F F F
NOT c OR dThis can be shown using another (eight line) truth table.
NOT c OR e
c OR NOT dThis can also be shown with a truth table.
c OR NOT e
NOT c OR d OR e
We don't seem to have accomplished much with this proof; we've replaced one kind of pointy-headed Boolean logic problem with another. However, note that 3-CNF-SAT is a much restricted version of CIRCUIT-SAT. We can use 3-CNF-SAT to prove other problems are NP-complete in instances when tackling all of CIRCUIT-SAT is infeasible or impossible. That is, 3-CNF-SAT is easier to work with when proving things NP-complete.
(Note: It turns out k-CNF-SAT, where clauses have at most k literals, is NP-complete for k > 2. For k = 2, (i.e. 2-CNF-SAT), there is a polynomial time algorithm: a clause (a OR b) is the same as (NOT a IMPLIES b); make a directed graph with vertices the literals and edges the implications derived from the clauses; if any strongly connected component (computable in linear time, similar to the connected components in undirected graphs we saw with Union/Find) of the graph contains a literal and its complement, that is a contradiction, so the formula is not satisfiable. Otherwise, it is. Unfortunately, this algorithm doesn't extend to k-CNF-SAT for k > 2, so we don't get to prove P=NP this way.)
Now let's look at a problem we saw last time:
Problem: HAMILTONIAN-CYCLELast time, we saw that HAMILTONIAN-CYCLE is in NP, a certificate being a sequence of vertices satisfying the constraints given above. It turns out, through a complex polynomial transformation from 3-CNF-SAT (given in your book on pp. 954 - 959) that HAMILTONIAN-CYCLE is NP-hard, so it is NP-complete. And since last time, we sat that HAMILTONIAN-CYCLE <p TSP, it follows immediately that the Travelling Salesman Problem is also NP-complete.
Instance: A graph G = (V, E)
Question: Does G contain a Hamiltonian cycle? That is, is there a path (cycle) going from one vertex of G, through all the other vertices of G exactly once, ending up at the same vertex?
Here are some other NP-complete problems:
Problem: SUBSET-SUM Instance: A set S of positive integers and an integer n.It looks easy, and there is a pseudopolynomial-time algorithm (i.e., an algorithm that runs in poly-time if we represent the numbers in unary instead of binary, which we said before was an "unreasonable" way of doing things), but the problems turns out to be NP-complete.
Question: Is there any subset of S whose elements add up to n?
Problem: CLIQUE Instance: An undirected graph G and integer k.Your book proves this is NP-complete by a simple reduction from 3-CNF-SAT.
Question: Is there a subgraph of G with k vertices that is complete? That is, is there a clique of vertices of size k that are all mutually connected by (k(k+1))/2 edges?
Problem: SUBGRAPH-ISOMORPHISM Instance: Two undirected graphs G and H.Note that this is a generalization of GRAPH-ISOMORPHISM. Note also that the proof that SUBGRAPH-ISOMORPHISM is NP-complete is trivial if we know that CLIQUE is NP-complete; we simply make G a complete graph of size k to solve CLIQUE.
Question: Is G isomorphic to a subgraph of H? That is, of all the subgraphs (subsets of vertices and edges) of H, can we relabel one so that it is identical to G?
Problem: REGISTER-ALLOCATION Instance: A block of computer code, a set of variables, and a set of CPU registers, and an integer k.This problem is also NP-complete. It comes up in writing compilers. On machines with very few registers, like the Intel x86/Pentium line, it isn't too hard to solve exactly. But for machines with e.g. 32 general purpose registers, solving it exactly with the best known algorithms takes a very long time, much longer than you can expect the user who has just typed make to wait.
Question: Is there a schedule of allocation of registers to variables such that at most k registers must be spilled to main memory during the block of code? (Spilling registers to memory is bad.)
Problem: MINIMUM-EQUIVALENT-FORMULAIt would be great to be able to answer this question, because we could achieve something like optimal data compression by specifying our input data as a trivial truth table and get the optimally small Boolean formula as output. Unfortunately, this problem is even harder than NP-complete (it is clearly NP-hard).
Instance: A Boolean formula F and an integer k.
Question: Is there an equivalent Boolean formula (i.e., has the same truth table) for F with at most k symbols (i.e., of size k)?
Here is a simple map of PSPACE as we know it, assuming P != NP and NP != co-NP.
---------------------------------------------- |PSPACE ______ ______ | | / \ / \ | | / \ \ | | / / \ \ | | / / \ \ | | / NP / P \ co-NP \ | | \_____ \ / / | | \NP- \___\ / / | | \complete\ / / | | \ \ / | | \______/ \______/ | | | ----------------------------------------------